Friday Night Cake Club For 5/29/15

Decorating By catlharper Updated 1 Jun 2015 , 11:11pm by josilind

catlharper Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
catlharper Posted 31 May 2015 , 5:14am
post #1 of 16

Hi everyone, Starting this week's Cake Club on Saturday night instead! Everyone is welcome to share photos of their work, discuss their week, ask for help or provide help if they can!


15 replies
catlharper Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
catlharper Posted 31 May 2015 , 5:15am
post #2 of 16

Hi there...we didn't get in from Disneyland till midnight last night and I spent a good part of today on the train so this is the first chance I've had to log in and get things started! I'll write a longer post tomorrow but just wanted to post at all tonight! LOL!


auntginn Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
auntginn Posted 31 May 2015 , 6:18am
post #3 of 16

Hello Cat, Hope you had a nice time at Disneyland. 

I didn't have any cakes for this weekend.  But will have plenty this coming week.  1 birthday cake for 2 little sisters.  My grand daughters birthday and my grandsons promotion into high school.  Also a nephew's birthday.  I think I'll be tired by the end of the week.

julia1812 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
julia1812 Posted 31 May 2015 , 9:40am
post #4 of 16

Hey Cat and everyone else.

First time in a Long while...Thought I show my face here again and say hi. 

Have been crazily caught up will all sort of stuff. Just now battling a faulty power line which cut me off the the last couple of days. It's unbelieveable how life Comes to a stand still without power in the house!!!

Anyway, did lots of cakes and other goods over the last couple of weeks, just never got the time to post anything on here. So, here is my latest and one of my kid's favorite: 48 "Dusty" cupcakes. Was fun making the first 10 or so...then just boooring. LOL. I figured I enjoy making single individual toppers way more.


Nadiaa Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Nadiaa Posted 31 May 2015 , 10:02am
post #5 of 16

I'm in!! This cake took a crazy amount of chocolate!!!

catlharper Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
catlharper Posted 31 May 2015 , 5:04pm
post #6 of 16

Oh my goodness @julia1812 I'm sorry they got boring but they are SOOOOOOO cute! My grandson (he's 4) would simply adore those! I hope the electrical thing gets guys wouldn't know what to do with themselves! LOL!

@Nadiaa That is one chocolate overloaded cake! MY favorite! LOL! That also had to be a very expensive cake....with all of that candy! Whew! And even tho' it's candy, it's elegant. So symmetrical and clean looking. Very nice! 


catlharper Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
catlharper Posted 31 May 2015 , 5:07pm
post #7 of 16

@auntginn your week makes ME tired! LOL! My son is also heading for high school. 3 more days and he's out for the summer! I can't wait! No cakes this week...obviously....but the meringues were a BIG hit. Don't know why I don't make those more often! My boys were dismayed that they got so few of the ones I made so I will probably be making more this week for them.


SoniaMT Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SoniaMT Posted 31 May 2015 , 5:13pm
post #8 of 16

Wow very nice cake!!! I'm crazy for kit Katz Sooo I absolutely love it! I had cake pops to make this past week....I have it in my gallery it was the safari themed animals. It was my trial run before I do a huge order of  it in a few weeks. This week I have a frozen birthday cake to make. And currently am trying to change the filling in it because the recipient will not be able to refrigerate the cake. Any suggestions....originally it was suppose to be chocolate cake with whipped cream strawberry filling and chocolate ganache icing. Nowww...I have to change the filling...thinking of doing butter cream with strawberry preservative but scared it will be to heavy. The chocolate cake I make is very rich in taste that's why I like using whipped cream instead of butter cream. To balance the heaviness. Any suggestions? 

auntginn Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
auntginn Posted 31 May 2015 , 6:06pm
post #9 of 16

@Julia1812  I just love your little guys  Very nice work

@Nadiaa,  OMG!!!  That is beautiful, I love all the chocolate.  

catlharper Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
catlharper Posted 31 May 2015 , 6:10pm
post #10 of 16

@SoniaMT The cake pops are SO cute! As for your cake...yes, you can use the buttercream with the preserves, I do that all of the time...just don't make the filling a thick layer and it will help to keep it lighter. Can't wait to see it when you are done!


SweetShop5 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SweetShop5 Posted 31 May 2015 , 10:21pm
post #11 of 16

Hi everyone! Busy week for me, and another busy week ahead of me. I have 160 sugar cookies to do by myself lol I hope my hand can handle it! I'll also be entering my first ever cake decorating contest, I'm beyond excited! Here's what I've done this week:

Paw Patrol cupcakes:

Ombre wedding cake:

Wedding cake + cupcakes:

Sprinkle cake pops:

Camaro birthday cake:

Hockey themed cupcakes:

@julia1812 those cupcakes are adorable!!

@Nadiaa that cake looks delicious, I would definitely eat it. Huge chocolate fan here!

catlharper Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
catlharper Posted 31 May 2015 , 10:26pm
post #12 of 16

@SweetShop5 I love everything but what struck me the most were the cute paw patrol cupcakes and the details on the car cake! LOVE the gears on the board idea! Best wishes on those cookies! Hope it goes much smoother than anticipated!


auntginn Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
auntginn Posted 31 May 2015 , 10:53pm
post #13 of 16

Wow @SweetShop5 you were busy.  Loved it all.

SweetShop5 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SweetShop5 Posted 1 Jun 2015 , 10:23pm
post #14 of 16

Thanks @catlharper & @auntginn! 

josilind Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
josilind Posted 1 Jun 2015 , 11:08pm
post #15 of 16

These are so cute and detailed!

josilind Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
josilind Posted 1 Jun 2015 , 11:11pm
post #16 of 16

You DID have a busy week, great for you! For your wedding cake with the vanilla and the chocolate, where did you get your tool that makes those beveled lines on your tiered topper cupcake tree? I want one!

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