Edible Printers..

Decorating By easyaspie

easyaspie Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
easyaspie Posted 17 Sep 2014 , 6:13pm
post #1 of 1

Anyone know where to get one of these? I've noticed a lot of the cakes I've liked, use an edible printer some how for the design.

I just feel like I would be cheating ?... like It's not hard to stack and level a cake, then just put an edible sheet over it,.... that seems too easy :/

I would feel better if someone complimented one of my cakes and inside knowing I did it all by hand.


but I guess it's the future of cakes.

it would be great for logos, pictures of the latest teenage heart throb for every 13 year old's cake..y'know.


My step sister just got one(been in my life since I was around 6) ... the thing is we don't really get along that great.

she's almost 10 years older, started doing cakes 3 years before me.

and her father says i'm better than her and he asked my mom why i'm even going to a cake class!

lol. I just wish her and I could work together. I know she got it used. I just don't even know where I could get that kind of a thing. would Michael's craft store carry them?

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