Imbc- Is There A Potential Health Risk For Young/elderly/low Immune System?

Baking By happycakesbysarah Updated 29 May 2014 , 12:20am by enga

happycakesbysarah Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
happycakesbysarah Posted 28 May 2014 , 4:47pm
post #1 of 9

Is this truly heated enough to kill all potential bacteria where you would feel safe giving it to those in certain riskier groups?  What about using meringue powder in place of the egg whites?  Has you tried this and what are your thoughts?

8 replies
enga Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
enga Posted 28 May 2014 , 4:50pm
post #2 of 9

I use pasteurized eggs if I'm offering it to the public.

enga Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Dr_Hfuhruhurr Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Dr_Hfuhruhurr Posted 28 May 2014 , 7:29pm
post #4 of 9

The syrup definitely heats the egg mixture enough to kill bacteria, but if you're particularly concerned, you could opt for a SMBC instead.  Whisking the egg/sugar mixture over the double-boiler until it's uniformly hot to the touch always makes me more comfortable.

LisaPeps Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LisaPeps Posted 28 May 2014 , 9:53pm
post #5 of 9

FDA says to cook eggs to 160F If you test the temperature of your meringue after you've added the hot sugar syrup it WON'T reach that temperature. I've tested it before and I can't remember what it did reach but I know it wasn't that hot. I now exclusively use SMBC, I actually find it a lot easier to make now and I can make larger batches after investing in a decent stainless steel bowl.

MBalaska Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
MBalaska Posted 28 May 2014 , 10:15pm
post #6 of 9


Originally Posted by happycakesbysarah 

Is this truly heated enough to kill all potential bacteria where you would feel safe giving it to those in certain riskier groups?  What about using meringue powder in place of the egg whites?  Has you tried this and what are your thoughts?


Do you normally make your IMBC with raw egg whites? 

thecakewitch Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
thecakewitch Posted 28 May 2014 , 10:42pm
post #7 of 9


Originally Posted by happycakesbysarah 

Is this truly heated enough to kill all potential bacteria where you would feel safe giving it to those in certain riskier groups?  What about using meringue powder in place of the egg whites?  Has you tried this and what are your thoughts?

If you're in doubt or doesn't feel comfortable about it, then don't do it. Why don't you make imbc and check the temp if it'll reach 160F. Or just make smbc. Whatever MBC you decide to use, please have a calibrated thermometer to check the temp of the egg whites and not just 'feel' it. 

happycakesbysarah Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
happycakesbysarah Posted 28 May 2014 , 11:41pm
post #8 of 9

I had read that IMBC was more stable at hotter temperatures than SMBC which is why I was leaning that way.  What about heating the sugar syrup a lot higher before adding it to the meringue?  Has anyone used the wilton meringue powder in place of egg whites in this and had good results?  Thank you for everyone's input.

enga Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
enga Posted 29 May 2014 , 12:20am
post #9 of 9

It's been a debate as to if the hot syrup gets the egg whites to the safe temperature or not. In this thread a member did make SMBC with meringue powder. I don't know if it was Wilton brand.



I also saw some recipes online that used mp to make IMBC with good results. I never thought about using meringue powder in IMBC or SMBC icings until you posted. Hmmmmm, it might be a good alternative opposed to buying pasteurized egg whites :roll: 

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