Putting Fresh Fruit On A Cake?

Decorating By christiecando Updated 24 Jun 2011 , 1:10pm by christiecando

christiecando Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
christiecando Posted 22 Jun 2011 , 3:56am
post #1 of 3

I'm just certain there's a better way to search! Forgive me for asking a question that must have been covered multiple times already, but I've been hunting around and can't find anything.

I just decorate cakes for fun and am still learning so much. A friend of mine asked if I could make her a cake with fresh strawberries and blueberries on it. She wants to come pick it up Saturday night to serve on Sunday and I'm not sure how to do this. I never wash strawberries until right before I eat them so they won't get soggy, but I hate to put an unwashed strawberry on her cake! Do I just give her the fruit when she picks up the cake and say "here, put these on before you serve it"? That seems tacky. The blueberries will probably stay fresh overnight, but I just can't think what to do about those strawberries!

Thanks. icon_smile.gif

2 replies
matthewkyrankelly Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
matthewkyrankelly Posted 22 Jun 2011 , 4:14am
post #2 of 3

The fruit can be put on the day before. Wash it and dry it carefully. Then place the fruit on the cake. To keep the fruit fresh, it must be glazed with something. Often I use a warmed apricot jam and paint it on the fruit. As is cools, it will thicken and leave a nice shiny appearnce while not affecting the flavor of the fruit. The cake should be refrigerated and taken out about a half hour before service.

christiecando Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
christiecando Posted 24 Jun 2011 , 1:10pm
post #3 of 3

Thanks so much for your input! icon_smile.gif

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