Billowing Technique

Decorating By trixie05 Updated 4 Jun 2011 , 1:57pm by LateBloomer

trixie05 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
trixie05 Posted 1 Jun 2011 , 12:00pm
post #1 of 11

I can't find the instructions on doing the Billowing Technique & I would so like to try it. Thanks. icon_smile.gif

10 replies
all4cake Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
all4cake Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
all4cake Posted 1 Jun 2011 , 12:44pm
post #3 of 11

Here's a tutorial to create something similar to peecheekeeno's gorgeous technique

and another

funtodecorate2 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
funtodecorate2 Posted 1 Jun 2011 , 1:33pm
post #4 of 11

Can you use buttercream for the underneath billowing technique?
I'm more partial to using that instead of MMF

rosa369 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
rosa369 Posted 1 Jun 2011 , 1:48pm
post #5 of 11

I would like to know if you can use BC underneath the MMF, too?

all4cake Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
all4cake Posted 1 Jun 2011 , 2:28pm
post #6 of 11

the second tutorial states to fill with a blob of icing

all4cake Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
all4cake Posted 1 Jun 2011 , 2:33pm
post #7 of 11

oh oh...ya'll meant icing it with buttercream instead of it having a fondant covering? Took me bit to realize that....sorry.

If I come upon that info, I'll be sure to share it (unless ya'll find it first)

Karen_uk1 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Karen_uk1 Posted 3 Jun 2011 , 11:39pm
post #8 of 11

I have done a couple with the 'billowing'. Both were covered in butter cream as a base. As far as 'doing it', you will be amazed how easy this is. Just cut small equal rectangles of fondant and pinch the two opposite long sides, push very gently inwards to create the 'billow', then place on the cake. Add each billow so they almost touch. For the next row, make it so it's like brick work, continue until the final row. Finish off with little balls or flowers etc to fill the joins. Hope this helps.x

funtodecorate2 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
funtodecorate2 Posted 4 Jun 2011 , 5:54am
post #9 of 11

Thank you for the buttercream info. I have tried making the billows for the first time . Just practicing. Oh my! my edges don't look to acordian like. When you put them on the cake did you need to use piping gel or anything to help adhere it to the crusted buttercream? Can you make them ahead of time and let them dry? I have until Aug. to practice. LOL
thanks again

Karen_uk1 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Karen_uk1 Posted 4 Jun 2011 , 1:27pm
post #10 of 11

Hi, with one I never used anything to help adhere, they just stuck to the butter cream, with the other I used a dot of water, they both held fine. As far as making in advance, I found if you do, you may have a struggle matching up the curves in all the right places, it's do-able but a lot of 'jig saw' like matching. I applied mine whilst still malleable and found it easier to adjust to each others form.

LateBloomer Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LateBloomer Posted 4 Jun 2011 , 1:57pm
post #11 of 11

Thanks SO much for posting the tutorial. I have been wondering how to do this since I first saw it. Your instuctions are wonderful and your cake looks beautiful!

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