What Size Tiers.. Husband And I Are Not In Agreement

Decorating By labmom Updated 1 Apr 2011 , 5:30am by labmom

labmom Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
labmom Posted 1 Apr 2011 , 4:37am
post #1 of 4

Hi everyone,
I have a babyshower cake that is due on the 10th. An all chocolate cake with chocolate ganach frosting and they want bright blue fondant accents of fondant. (dots). They don't care what I do. But they want the cake to be stacked. 65 people invited, yet who knows how many will attend.
My husband said I don't need to give them a huge cake maybe just a 12x8 double layer tiers. Me I thought maybe a 14x10 double layer tiers. He said that is too big. I am always worried about people not having enough when i don't know how they will be cutting and serving it at this type of event. I would rather give them too much than too little. I don't know what the rest of there menu is if they are having any other deserts or not. What do you think.. I told the lady how to slice the cakes when we met..so they should be similar to that of wedding cake servings. that said the 12x8 should be enough. I just want to know what you think I should do. (the cake is being given as a gift by my neice so I am once again stuck loosing out because I can only charge her costs). So what do you think? Sizes Help!!

3 replies
CWR41 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CWR41 Posted 1 Apr 2011 , 4:59am
post #2 of 4

I think your husband is right... it's too big. A 14" alone is too much cake, and a 10" on top wouldn't look right unless you're planning an incredible amount of "something" to cover the top.

The 12x8 serves 80... more than enough for 65 guests. You might even get by with a 10x8 (62 servings), if you find out all aren't attending.

PatricesPieces Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
PatricesPieces Posted 1 Apr 2011 , 5:12am
post #3 of 4

It would depend on what pans you are using. If you are using a square pan, neither of you are correct. Using the wedding cake slices which is 1"x2" (cake is 4" high) You would need a 10 inch square (serves 50) and a 6 inch square (serves 1icon_cool.gif.
Here is a link to the wilton wedding cake serving chart http://fantes.com/manuals/wedding-cake-data-chart.pdf
Or you can use Earlene's cake serving chart. (she still uses the 1"x2" cut, but has different numbers than wilton) http://www.earlenescakes.com/cakeservinst.htm

I hope this helps!

I was re-reading your post. You want a stacked cake, so I assumed the 12x8 meant you want to use a 12inch cake with 8inch stacked on top. Is this correct? If so then that is what I based my response on. Sorry if I misunderstood!!

labmom Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
labmom Posted 1 Apr 2011 , 5:30am
post #4 of 4

I know I guess I was just in brain freeze it is 12" cake & 8" cake stacked each 4" high.. or the 14"tier & 10" tier... (both 4").

I can see why there would be alot of cake with the 14 & 10's but I have been to showers and even some weddings where someone gets up to cut the cake and literaly starts cutting and hacking at it... with no regard to servings..
just cutting and handing out cake... my worry is that will happen and then someone will be upset when they run out of cake...

that is why I ask here what you would make for this shower... of 65 people invited. **this is not going to be a happy shower because i just found out that the mom to be just found out that one of her twin babies has died.**
so I don't know if that will affect the attendance.

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