I Don't Like Cc's New Way Of Showing Photos

Decorating By mom2spunkynbug Updated 14 May 2009 , 10:07am by JanH

mom2spunkynbug Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mom2spunkynbug Posted 13 May 2009 , 8:13pm
post #1 of 22

I really don't like the new way that CC is showing cake photos on the home page. Is it going to stay like this?

I liked the old way a lot better where you could see (without it moving) cake photos featuring the current holiday, popular cake photos (gave me inspiration), and the new photos.

I don't like the new way at all.

21 replies
TheCakerator Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
TheCakerator Posted 13 May 2009 , 9:06pm
post #2 of 22

there are quite a few threads about the new way to show pictures ... but I agree, I don't care for it much myself .. they are still doing improvements though .. let's give them time ...

KatieKake Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KatieKake Posted 14 May 2009 , 2:03am
post #3 of 22

I have to agree, you never go wrong, with the old saying, "don't fix what ain't broken" I liked the old way much better.

mabryant0212 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mabryant0212 Posted 14 May 2009 , 2:11am
post #4 of 22

maybe they will change it back.... it was really neat to see what others are looking at ... it helps to follow the trends.

angelicconfections Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
angelicconfections Posted 14 May 2009 , 2:12am
post #5 of 22

I liked the old way better too, it was fun to see all the favorites of the day and the all time favorites and also holiday photos. I found lots of good ideas on the original set up.

Chippi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Chippi Posted 14 May 2009 , 2:24am
post #6 of 22

I have to agree.....the upclose picture at the top really doesn't show much and its sort of bothersome to have to click on ea. and everyone to see a full view. I really enjoyed the old homepage. icon_sad.gif I realize they want to update too and I'm sure there's a happy medium for a change.


Cakenicing4u Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Cakenicing4u Posted 14 May 2009 , 2:27am
post #7 of 22

I agree, mostly because half the time i'm on my I phone, and it takes FOR FREAKING EVER for those to load on that tiny screen and I can't see them anyway! It just takes forever to log on when i'm mobile.

mariela_ms Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mariela_ms Posted 14 May 2009 , 2:29am
post #8 of 22

Totally agree, I really dislike this new format! You can't see the details in those pics, and you can only see about 7 pics a time. It's kind of a pain to have to look in another place for pics, its annoying. Specially when you are at work trying to squeeze in some CC time! thumbs_up.gif

krissycupcakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
krissycupcakes Posted 14 May 2009 , 2:30am
post #9 of 22

i like the moving pics but i dont like the close ups you lose the pics

bittersweet Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
bittersweet Posted 14 May 2009 , 2:32am
post #10 of 22

I don't like it either. It sucks!! icon_mad.gif

sugarwishes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
sugarwishes Posted 14 May 2009 , 2:38am
post #11 of 22

I really don't like it right now either. I understand they're still making changes but I REALLLLLYYY hope they go back to the old way of showing photos. I don't think they should have changed a thing. Actually, the ONLY change I do like is being able to log in on the home page.

I think it was much more inspirational for me when there were more photos. I find I don't come on CC as much now than before the changes. Yes I know, I can just look at the galleries, as stated in other threads, but its just not the same!! I'm so disappointed!!!!!!!!!!!

icer101 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
icer101 Posted 14 May 2009 , 2:46am
post #12 of 22

i don,t like it either.. i guess i'll just check some of the questions and answers and try to give some answers... i won,t be on it everyday like i have been lately.. don,t care about the pictures of cakes at all.. who has the time to sit and watch the slide show... anyway.. i hope it all gets straight..love the site.. don,t like the changes

bobhope Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
bobhope Posted 14 May 2009 , 3:02am
post #13 of 22

don't like it either..but i like the "additional photos of the cake" feature, that's the only thing i like about it..

__Jamie__ Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
__Jamie__ Posted 14 May 2009 , 3:03am
post #14 of 22
Originally Posted by bittersweet

I don't like it either. It sucks!! icon_mad.gif

thumbsdown.gif Go start your own website and purchase the servers necessary to store all of the photos and forums then!

Constructive criticism is acceptable....your comment is not. icon_smile.gif

patty5 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
patty5 Posted 14 May 2009 , 3:14am
post #15 of 22

I agree the old way was much better!

tastyart Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
tastyart Posted 14 May 2009 , 3:15am
post #16 of 22

I really like the additional photo feature! I'm not too fond of the home page though. I'm dying to know what it will all be like when the updates are complete!

KathysCC Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
KathysCC Posted 14 May 2009 , 3:32am
post #17 of 22

I think you all need to read Heath's post in this forum. We should all try to be more patient and thankful.


Creative_chika Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Creative_chika Posted 14 May 2009 , 3:33am
post #18 of 22

I like it icon_smile.gif

wakeandbake Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
wakeandbake Posted 14 May 2009 , 3:48am
post #19 of 22

even though i miss the old way that the home page was set up, i do like the concept of the slideshow. maybe they can mix the best parts of the old with the new. i also like that we can now add additonal pics of our cakes. hopefully it will just keep getting better!

sugarwishes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
sugarwishes Posted 14 May 2009 , 4:00am
post #20 of 22
Originally Posted by KathysCC

I think you all need to read Heath's post in this forum. We should all try to be more patient and thankful.


Thanks you so much KathysCC for posting that!! I'm really glad I got to read what Heath wrote, it gave me a whole different outlook on the changes.

I guess when you become so used to things being one way, it can be hard to except change icon_lol.gif

angelicconfections Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
angelicconfections Posted 14 May 2009 , 6:29am
post #21 of 22

ok, I agree it isn't constructive to say 'it sucks'. I also don't think that being uncomfortable with the change is ungrateful. I read Heath's post, and I understand that things are not done yet and it takes a lot of work to support this vast amount of sweet information. I do feel that I and others should be allowed to miss the familiar view of the site we have known and loved for years without being scolded for it.

JanH Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
JanH Posted 14 May 2009 , 10:07am
post #22 of 22
Originally Posted by mom2spunkynbug

I really don't like the new way that CC is showing cake photos on the home page. Is it going to stay like this?

Please read Heath's posts in this thread:


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