Bill In Texas For Legal Home Bakeries! Calling All Texans!

Decorating By kelleym Updated 7 Feb 2011 , 11:14pm by kelleym

jewelykaye Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
jewelykaye Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 2:46pm
post #871 of 2039

I contacted the PH committee's clerk's office and they stated that the bill will NOT be voted on today.


kelleym Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kelleym Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 4:04pm
post #872 of 2039

The committees never vote "no" on something. If they want to let it die, they just don't vote. That is what is happening to our bill.

Representative Gattis has been pushing Chair Kolkhorst for a vote, to no avail.

If HB 3282 is important to you, then we need your help. Chair Kolkhorst and ALL the committee members need to be contacted so they know how desperately ordinary Texans need this bill. Can you find 5 friends to call also?

Remember how at the Public Hearing, Patrick Buzbee (Foghorn Leghorn) stood up and sputtered that if this were law, then "everybody would come out of the woodwork trying to make a buck!" icon_confused.gif

Gosh, wouldn't that be terrible? People legally trying to make money?? What on earth has this state come to? That they are listening to THAT garbage?

Chair Kolkhorst's office:

Public Health Committee office (ask for Anne-Marie)

Call these committee members and PRESS them for a vote and ASK what their position on HB 3282 is:

Make noise.

jewelykaye Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
jewelykaye Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 4:22pm
post #873 of 2039

Awesome, Kelley! Thanks for the info. I will get on it!

lanibird Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lanibird Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 4:35pm
post #874 of 2039

Thanks for the info Kelley. I will start making phone calls now!

Amia Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Amia Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 4:41pm
post #875 of 2039

Count me in too! thumbs_up.gif

sweet1122 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
sweet1122 Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 4:44pm
post #876 of 2039

I just got off the phone with Rachel in rep. Laubenburg's office, of whom I am a constituent. Rachel said that Rep. Laubenburg and several of the committee members would support the bill if it came to a vote, but because the bill was met with such strong opposition at the hearing that something has given the chair "cold feet" about bringing it up for a vote. She said its 100% the chair's decision and she doesn't know why it hasn't been brought up, but that she has been waiting for 1 week or 2 for most bills, but where we are with HB 3282 is not good. She said she's sure that Gattis has brought it up with the chair to bring it up to a vote and that there's not much else she can recommend... icon_cry.gificon_cry.gificon_cry.gificon_cry.gif

lanibird Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lanibird Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 4:56pm
post #877 of 2039

Ok, then we need to get a surge of support to get rid of her cold feet. If you are following this thread, and want this bill to pass, please, PLEASE call! I know there are some of you reading this who are thinking we have it under control, and your help is not needed. NOT TRUE!! We need you! ALL of you! Like Kelley said, the situation is critical, and only we can get something done.

Amia Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Amia Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 5:02pm
post #878 of 2039

Come on guys! We *can* do this! We *need* this!

kelleym Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kelleym Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 5:08pm
post #879 of 2039
Originally Posted by lanibird

Ok, then we need to get a surge of support to get rid of her cold feet. If you are following this thread, and want this bill to pass, please, PLEASE call! I know there are some of you reading this who are thinking we have it under control, and your help is not needed. NOT TRUE!! We need you! ALL of you! Like Kelley said, the situation is critical, and only we can get something done.

lanibird is right. If you're sitting there reading thinking, "well, she's not talking about ME, she's talking about everybody else who needs to call" - NOT true. If this bill would change your life, you need to be on the phone with Rep. Kolkhorst. SHE is the one not bringing the bill for a vote. I believe now, and have believed since the hearing, that we HAVE the votes on the committee to pass it.

shannon100 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
shannon100 Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 5:13pm
post #880 of 2039

I called and it went straight to voicemail. (I called the committee number.) I left a message for Anne Marie. I'll try to call again later.

I just hung up with Rep. Kolkhorst's office and voiced my support. She took down my name and said she'd pass along my support. I'm one of Rep. Kolkhorst's constituents, so hopefully that helps nudge her along! I'll see if I can get some local friends to call and support it!

jewelykaye Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
jewelykaye Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 5:16pm
post #881 of 2039

Yes. And YOUR call could be the call that makes a difference. Don't think that well everyone else is calling so I don't need to.

Just call the numbers Kelley gave and say that you would like to urge Rep. Kolkhorst to put House Bill 8232 on the agenda to be voted on.

Really, that's all you have to say. I understand if you are shy or aren't a phone person. But please PLEASE do this. We need this bill to pass.

AuntEm Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
AuntEm Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 5:26pm
post #882 of 2039

I just called Rep. Kolkhorst office. I was nervous and I don't remember if I told them my name. Oh well, he said he would pass it along that I supported it. Ha that means I can call again tommorrow and give my name and they'll think it is 2 people. icon_lol.gif
Texas Cake decorators unite and call! thumbs_up.gifcowboy.gif Remember the Alamo! LOL icon_lol.gif not that has anything to do with it, just a rousing cheer lol

sweet1122 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
sweet1122 Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 5:36pm
post #883 of 2039

Yes, yes, yes! I am as shy as they come, but the people who answer the phone are very nice, understanding and they actually WANT to listen to you. I have not felt one time that I have been a bother to anyone, which is what I feel when I pick up the phone to call. Please please CALL.

shannon100 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
shannon100 Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 5:42pm
post #884 of 2039

I just emailed all my local friends (not that many as I'm new to the area), but hopefully I'll get some more to call. I posted a note on my facebook as well, asking all Texans to call. Maybe if we make enough noise, she'll call a vote just to get us to stop calling! hahaha


Yes, yes, yes! I am as shy as they come, but the people who answer the phone are very nice, understanding and they actually WANT to listen to you. I have not felt one time that I have been a bother to anyone, which is what I feel when I pick up the phone to call. Please please CALL.

I agree! The woman who answered thanked me for calling and voicing my opinion. She said they WANT to hear from us about it! She was grateful I was getting involved. Made me want to call again! icon_smile.gif

lanibird Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lanibird Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 5:46pm
post #885 of 2039

Yes! The aides answering the phones are very friendly, and happy to take your info. Don't worry that they might give you the 3rd degree or anything. Just tell them your name, where you are from, that you support HB 3282, and you urge Rep. Kolkhorst to put it on the agenda for a vote. My phone logged the call as lasting about a minute. A minute is not too much to ask for, for the ability to sell cakes legally for a lifetime. (yeah, cheesy line. I know icon_razz.gif)


hilly Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
hilly Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 5:48pm
post #886 of 2039

Okay, I just called. I'll see if I can find anyone else who's willing to make a quick phone call. She said that they log every phone call in support of the bill and that they are actually getting quite a few calls which is awesome. But seriously everyone who hasn't called, it takes just a few seconds to voice your support.

Amia Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Amia Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 5:49pm
post #887 of 2039

I called earlier but didn't leave my name. I guess I should call again. I know a few people I can ask to call as well.

AuntEm Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
AuntEm Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 5:52pm
post #888 of 2039
Originally Posted by Amia

I called earlier but didn't leave my name. I guess I should call again. I know a few people I can ask to call as well.

If you do, let me know if they want you to call again if you didn't leave your name. He didn't ask me my name at the time, so I don't know if I should call again or not.

racheycake Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
racheycake Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 5:55pm
post #889 of 2039

I called, my mom called, and my BFF called. I wrote them a script and they called and read it then gave their name and number. That was it. Like Lanibird said - it only takes a minute!

Amia Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Amia Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 5:59pm
post #890 of 2039

My mom, my grandma, 2 of my aunts and my cousin have called so far and I sent out a mass text so hopefully those people will call too. I'm about to call back. AuntEm, I'll let ya know what they say.

kelleym Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kelleym Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 6:09pm
post #891 of 2039

I just called - the aide was very nice and said they have been getting LOTS of calls today about it.


lanibird Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lanibird Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 6:21pm
post #892 of 2039
Originally Posted by kelleym

I just called - the aide was very nice and said they have been getting LOTS of calls today about it.



Thank you to all who are calling! Make your voice heard! icon_biggrin.gif

Amia Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Amia Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 6:21pm
post #893 of 2039

I got a recording. Anyone else get that?

lesalyric Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lesalyric Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 6:34pm
post #894 of 2039

I just called and have asked my entire office to do the same.

I told them I would bring them cake as a prize for helping out! icon_biggrin.gif

jewelykaye Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
jewelykaye Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 6:40pm
post #895 of 2039

Awesome!!! This is so wonderful! Keep it going guys!!!!

MaryAllison Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
MaryAllison Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 6:41pm
post #896 of 2039

I just signed the petition, wrote Rep. Eissler, and am about to copy and send the sample letter, as well.

To all that spearheaded HB 3282...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Now, I/we will be able to profit from our passion! icon_biggrin.gif

mackeymom Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mackeymom Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 6:53pm
post #897 of 2039

I called but they didn't take my name. Does that make a difference?

AuntEm Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
AuntEm Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 6:55pm
post #898 of 2039

I just got my Dad and my sister to call! there are a couple other people I can ask. I'll try to get my 5 other people icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif Maybe if enough people call they'll have a special meeting to vote on it. Just to get us out of their hair. icon_lol.gificon_lol.gif

Call Y'all! We'll show them cake decorators are a force to be reckoned with! icon_lol.gif

lesalyric Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
lesalyric Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 6:57pm
post #899 of 2039

My assistant just called and was told they may vote tomorrow. ?

I also posted a bulletin on my facebook.

goldenegg Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
goldenegg Posted 14 Apr 2009 , 6:57pm
post #900 of 2039

I just called and did it, they said they'll pass it along. Gonna try to get other peeps involved now icon_biggrin.gif

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