Need Advice Regarding Potential Order From Friend Of My Moms

Decorating By CakeDiva73 Updated 12 Jul 2008 , 1:51am by Tiababe

CakeDiva73 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CakeDiva73 Posted 8 Jul 2008 , 5:16am
post #1 of 8

I will try make a long story short: My Mom has friends who are having their neices wedding at their house in August. About 2 weeks ago, she asked me what I charged and wanted me to print them out something professional - cake was for 50 people, simple white buttercream including local delivery. My Dad made a special point of telling my Mom to tell me 'No Discounts!'.

So I printed out a color quote which would include gumpaste flowers. They also wanted fresh strawberries and cream filling, which is a bit more. I charged $150 and I was giving them a major break on the flowers, mainly because it would give me the opportunity to play and I couldn't bear the thought of a plain white cake.... I also made a 6" sample cake for my parents to take to them (they were getting together for an unrelated reason.)

I made french vanilla cake with strawberries and cream filling and attached some gumpaste flowers and simple white on white piping as an example. (It's in the gallery - rather simple). My Mom also told me to write on the quote that I normally require a deposit, etc. but wouldn't since I knew where to find them. She wanted me to keep it lite.

So several days pass and I hear nothing. Finally I ask her and Mom says they thought the frosting was way too sweet and they had wanted whipped cream, etc. First of all, this was a free cake to give them an idea. They didn't order or pay for it. Second, my Mom felt like they backed off as soon as they saw the price. Fair enough, I am not dropping it. In fact, I have since increased my per serving fee by .25.

So I figure no big deal, they will go elsewhere. Today, out of the blue, my Mom says they asked her for pictures of my work.......several weeks have passed. The wedding day is about a month away....are you kidding me?

What the heck? I told my Mom if they want to order, order but do not wait until 2 weeks before the wedding and think I am going to do it. What do I do? How do I word this or am I being unreasonable? I don't want to be a brat but they basically thought it was too expensive so they said it didn't taste good but I have a feeling after calling around, they realized I was way cheaper then the bakeries. And I am wondering if they are going to try and dicker....because I don't dicker.

Cripes, any advice is appreciated - thanks. icon_smile.gif

7 replies
all4cake Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
all4cake Posted 8 Jul 2008 , 5:44am
post #2 of 8

I would definitely be wanting a direct number instead of going through mom unless mom is the person handling the details for the cake.

If they decide to order, inform them that because of the late booking date, payment, in full, will be required before whatever the date is you figure is enough time for you to complete the cake(whether it's 2 weeks or 2 days). I wouldn't be accepting any monies upon delivery.

CakeDiva73 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CakeDiva73 Posted 8 Jul 2008 , 7:28pm
post #3 of 8

I have no backbone and it's pathetic, I swear. I have seen these post and duh, I should have totally just told them to contact me directly. Now I feel like it's too late and since I already told them I wouldn't require the normal deposit (dum, dum, dum!) I just have a feeling this will be trouble.

My Mom is on vacation with them right now so I text her to tell them I was already booked for that weekend. I don't know if my Mom will be upset but I can see that they don't feel they should have to pay that much for cake so they will probably be hyper-picky. My Mom will be wanting it to be perfect since they are her friends and its a reflection of her and also, we are talking about an August wedding - potentially last minute.

It is supposed to be 114 today to give you an idea of our climate - yikes! Thanks for the advice - I appreciate it icon_smile.gif

all4cake Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
all4cake Posted 8 Jul 2008 , 9:42pm
post #4 of 8

I hope for a positive outcome for all on this. I reckon they all can't be "winners", eh?

-K8memphis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
-K8memphis Posted 8 Jul 2008 , 10:09pm
post #5 of 8

Wow stuff with family can be the craziest huh with so many worlds to collide. I mean it goes from zero to needing United Nations level mediation in a heartbeat. It's like the guys who spin the plates on the ends of rods y'know? No matter how hard you work something is bound to crash. icon_lol.gif

But like All4cakette said, tell your Mom to have them call you. If they need any more information it's time for them to contact you.

Say to your Mom--"Give them my number."

CakeDiva73 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CakeDiva73 Posted 12 Jul 2008 , 12:56am
post #6 of 8

oh crap......I just got a text from my Mom saying she was going to call tomorrow about 'the cake'. What cake?? icon_lol.gif

You mean the one I said I wasn't going to do? CRIPES!!

I just know that she was on vacation (with them) and they must have asked or something and she was too embarassed to tell them I had said no, which means she wants me to bend over backwards - (insert screaming and wailing here@!#@@$@!#)..........

Oh, I am so going to lose my mind right now! icon_cry.gif

indydebi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
indydebi Posted 12 Jul 2008 , 1:22am
post #7 of 8

All of us repeat after me .... "I will NEVER be one of THOSE mothers......!"

So let her call. You're still booked.

As Abraham Lincoln said, "Good things come to those who wait ... but only the things left by those who hustle."

Another bride "hustled" and book "her" date. Tuff toenails, toots!

Tiababe Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Tiababe Posted 12 Jul 2008 , 1:51am
post #8 of 8

Situations like this can be sticky. I really don't think relying on your mom to be the go-between is in your best interest. At this point, I would contact them directly and simply ask if they are interested in the cake or not. Your price (which includes delivery and a sample cake) is way more than reasonable. If they are interested and you do want to do the cake, I would have them sign a contract before you start any work. Make sure everyone is on the same page about what is to be expected. On the other hand, if you don't want to do the cake, tell them that you are already booked. It is my understanding that the wedding is not that far away and they have had plenty of time since tasting their sample cake to contact you. Why they haven't booked with you in a timely fashion is NOT your fault. Repeat...NOT your fault. Best of luck whatever does happen.

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