How Do I Make Fondant Edges Smooth?

Decorating By Puglady Updated 28 Dec 2006 , 8:07pm by nglez09

Puglady Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Puglady Posted 28 Dec 2006 , 7:57pm
post #1 of 4

Hi, I've only worked with wilton's fondant 2xs and each time I can't get the bottom of my cake smooth. I posted 2 pics in the gallery my tries. Each cake turned out smooth on top and sides, but on the bottome of the cake, next to the cake board, as I am cutting the fondant it bubbles. A friend recommended I make a fondant rope to cover that up. I was hoping to learn a couple tricks here. I'd love to be able to learn to make it smooth, sometimes I don't want a rope on the bottome of my cake. Any thoughts?


3 replies
moydear77 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
moydear77 Posted 28 Dec 2006 , 8:01pm
post #2 of 4

The best advice I can give it knead your fondant well. Also when covering a cake it is best to elevate the cake. As you smooth lift out and away from the cake. It takes a little practice but it works. I sorta pull it away from the cake and smooth downwards.

sweetviolent Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
sweetviolent Posted 28 Dec 2006 , 8:06pm
post #3 of 4

ditto what moydear said
for me elevating it was the big solution-good luck

nglez09 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
nglez09 Posted 28 Dec 2006 , 8:07pm
post #4 of 4

To me it seems that your fondant is way too thin. Also that you either iced heavily or not enough; when you're icing for fondant, it shouldn't be any more than 1/2 a centimeter of icing. Don't be afraid to have your rolled fondant up to 1/8 of an inch- it's fine. Usually it is recommended you roll it to 1/16 of an inch and that works great too.

My advice is to knead the fondant well and to roll it out thicker. Furthermore, make sure you have a lot of excess fondant once you cover the cake, this way you will be able to make sure there's no wrinklage (is that a word?) in the lower edge of your cake. HTH. thumbs_up.gif

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