Will This Work??

Decorating By newathis Updated 15 Oct 2007 , 6:30pm by newathis

newathis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
newathis Posted 15 Oct 2007 , 2:03pm
post #1 of 7

Ok so i am doing my first wedding cake, and its not at all traditional......they are having a halloween themed wedding, and they are my best friends...so i am doing whatever she wants, and we are doing four tiers, top they are saving and each tier is designed different..........so here is my problem, its only like 100pp MAX !!! So three tiers for serving is a lot, and she wants the bottom layer a square with another square stacked on that, but put on in a diamond shape, and then push in pillars with a round on top of that with a stacked round on top of that, so i am thinking, 12" square, 9" square, 8" round and 6" round, would that work , do you think?? will the 9" square fit diamond shaped on the 12"?? i feel it might overhang on the edges silghtly~!?! i know it will feed like 136ish pp or so, so idk what to do, should i do a 8" square instead of 9" and if i did would it be too weird then to put push in pillars with a 8" round on top, would it even work?? Any suggestions or replys apprecitated, i have 11 days, and need to figure this out now!!

6 replies
elizw Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
elizw Posted 15 Oct 2007 , 2:13pm
post #2 of 7

could you make 1 tier a dummy cake to help with not having to make soooo much extra cake? i have seen several beautiful wedding cakes that have 1 or more dummy cakes added for effect. please post the picture when you are done. i would love to see it! i wish i had a halloween wedding cake to do!!!

newathis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
newathis Posted 15 Oct 2007 , 2:21pm
post #3 of 7

we tossed that around a lot, cuz it would be cheaper for me too, but they want three different kinds of cake with three different fillings, i know, i know.......we really should use a dummy, but in case she is set on the three cakes, i still don't know if the sizes will work or not...

jibbies Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
jibbies Posted 15 Oct 2007 , 2:38pm
post #4 of 7

I just went and checked using the pans, an 8 inch square will fit turned like a diamond, and the 8 inch round will go on top of that, the push in pillars would fit right on the points of the diamond. I hope this is clear I just stacked these four pans up and it works.
Can't wait to see pictures!


4kidsrspecial Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
4kidsrspecial Posted 15 Oct 2007 , 2:50pm
post #5 of 7

I think that the way you want the cake to look is a personal opinion. I have done three stacked square cakes and you should have no problem turning the second tear. I tend to like the cakes that go down by even stages. For instance if I did this cake I would probably do a 12' 10' 8" 6" . That would give you about 115 servings not counting the top layer. 60 for your 12" square, 40 for you 10" square 15 for 8"round. Not to far from the serving # you want. Just a suggestion, but because they are your friend, maybe you could do the top layer as a dummy and offer them a fresh new top for their anniversary. I have started doing that for some of my clients and they seem to really like it. Just tell them to call and remind you there anniversary is coming up. Good luck I can't wait to see it.

newathis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
newathis Posted 15 Oct 2007 , 4:41pm
post #6 of 7

thanks jibbies, that is what i wanted to do, but i have to buy the square pans, i don't have any yet. Good to know !! icon_biggrin.gif

4kidsrspecial......i was going by the wilton serving guide and they said 72 for a 12", and 50 for a 10" and 24 for a 8", were the numbers you gave me single layer cakes, because i am doing double layer.......i originally wanted to do 12,10,8,6 it is ideal!!!, but i thought it yielded too much, but if you say 115, i think i will go for it........where do you get your serving sizes?? icon_biggrin.gif

newathis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
newathis Posted 15 Oct 2007 , 6:30pm
post #7 of 7

i know a lot of people don't like when we bump our own posts, but i really want to figure this out, was wondering the anwers to my two questions, from the lovely ladies who posted to my post icon_biggrin.gif

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