New Car

Business By auntmamie Updated 12 Sep 2007 , 9:15pm by vickster

vickster Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
vickster Posted 12 Sep 2007 , 9:15pm
post #31 of 31

No offense taken. Ironically, I only have one at home now, but didn't get icon_rolleyes.gif the minivan until after the two oldest left for college. It is really great for hauling him to baseball and I like the fact that the second row of seats are just like the front seat.
But, I'm turned off by SUVs as much as you are by minivans. They just pretty much seem like gas guzzlers to me without any real benefits other than they look cool. I'm small and I hate vehicles that you have to "climb" into. And I'm very cheap. For me a vehicle is just something that gets you from point A to point B. If the airconditioner works and I can see over the steering wheel, I'm happy. icon_rolleyes.gif

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