Do You Ever Feel Inadequate???

Decorating By sweetexpressions Updated 12 Sep 2006 , 8:28pm by SweetThistleCakes

SweetThistleCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SweetThistleCakes Posted 12 Sep 2006 , 8:28pm
post #31 of 31

I tend to feel inadequate when my potential clients make me think I am inadequate! I can't tell you how many times I would be sitting at my booth at the farmers market or whatnot and people say stuff like, so your mom does all of these cakes? Can she do so and so? I want to cry right then and there and sometimes I do but I tell them, no, I make all of these cakes. I'm pushing 30 but I look 16 and I hate when people assume I am a child! It's really insulting. I've been passed over on jobs before because of it and people seem to think that they can talk down to me because of it. icon_sad.gificon_sad.gif I want to give up because I dont think people will ever take me seriously.

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