Disappointed With Reaction (Or Lack There Of)

Decorating By SeptBabyMom Updated 11 Jul 2007 , 10:52am by MomLittr

SeptBabyMom Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SeptBabyMom Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:09pm
post #1 of 39

I made a cake for a coworker's daughter on Saturday. I have been decorating cakes for a couple of years now but have only done for family and friends, never charged for any of my cakes to date. But I would like to start making some money at this on the side. I just figured every cake I do is exposure for me and eventually people will start asking.

I'm after making 3 cakes now and taking them to work, one for a Easter potluck (which was a HUGE hit and they ended up selling tickets on it, ha ha), another one for a baby shower here, and another for some guys that graduated from university. Each of my cakes have been a big hit and I love getting that feedback. So one of my coworkers asked me weeks ago if I'd make a cake for her daughter. We didn't discuss price or anything. If I'm hoping to make money at this, I KNOW I need to make this more clear to people in the beginning. I was wondering and hoping that she'd offer me money for the cake when she picked it up. Even though we didn't discuss pricing, she KNOWS I'm wanting to make money at this.

She picked the cake up on Saturday, but she didn't make a big deal out of it at all. She said "How much." and I was relieved that she at least offered. Because she is my coworker, I said "Oh just the cost will be fine." So we agreed on $20. I believe that I undercharged, but it's ok. BTW, this was my first paid cake.

So I'm not sure if she expected me to NOT charge her or what. She came to work today and she's been quite cold towards me, just not her herself. I'm hoping she's just having a bad day or something. I asked her how her daughter's party went and she said it went great. No comment about "Oh my daughter liked her cake." or anything. I had made some gumpaste letters to go on top of the cake and I was worried about them staying stood up and told her that much when she picked it up, so I asked her after if they did stay up and she just said "yep, no problem".

I can't figure it out. Did she NOT like the cake that she practically got for free? Is she disappointed that I charged her? Am I expecting too much? A little bit of feedback would be nice. Here's a picture of the cake I did for her, it was alot of time and work.

38 replies
DianeLM Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
DianeLM Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:14pm
post #2 of 39

I'll bet so many people gushed over your cake at the party, she's embarrassed that she didn't pay you more. It is an AWESOME cake! Just beautiful! Keep it up and don't let this one discourage you. Some of my oldest and best customers started out as cold fish who I thought I'd never hear from again. Some people are just that way.

2sdae Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
2sdae Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:15pm
post #3 of 39

If you made me that cake I would deff give you 40 to 60 for it, cant tell exact size from photo. well I can't anyway! icon_redface.gif
It beautiful and it's 1 one a kind with modeled figures and little stuff all around it. It's well presented and just plain adorable is all! thumbs_up.gif

Maybe she's just worn out or one of those people who think, it's just cake!" icon_confused.gif

You did well all except you need to recoup your costs and get paid for your time/talents. Remember, if you weren't good why would they want you to make their cakes in the first place? thumbs_up.gif

NewbeeBaker Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
NewbeeBaker Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:17pm
post #4 of 39

If someone was not happy with that cake...that are CRAZY! Your cake is so precious. I love the colors and the figurines! My guess, she was having a bad day is all, cause your cake is beautiful thumbs_up.gif

vdrsolo Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
vdrsolo Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:22pm
post #5 of 39

Unfortunately, some people don't appreciate freebies as much as they do for a paid item. Non cake decorators cannot truly appreciate the time it takes to bake and decorate a cake.

Next time, be up front with your cost, or you will burn out, people will then expect a "cheap" cake.

Your cake was awesome, and deserves more than $20. As a rule of thumb, I always triple my cost to make occasion cakes at a minimum, adding additional costs for specialty work, fillings, etc.

justsweet Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
justsweet Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:24pm
post #6 of 39

Your cake looks great.

You can do two things:

1) let it go and unless she says something to you. Some people do not know how to say "thank you" or how to give a comment on a beautiful cake.

2) You can ask her if everything is ok, that she does not seem her self. Depending on her answer you can ask if their was a problem with the cake or it can just be work.

but whatever you decide you have to live with the decision and if she is upset that you charged her $20 (well to *@!*@!* bad) you should have charged more.

Good luck with your decision

nefgaby Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
nefgaby Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:28pm
post #7 of 39

I'm sorry this happened to you, just wanted to say that your cake is beautiful and you did an amazing job! And YES, $20 is waaaaaay under priced, in my opinion it is worth at least $60-80 plus a little extra for the fondant figures.
((((HUGS)))) and cheer-up!!!!

Jenn2179 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Jenn2179 Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:30pm
post #8 of 39

It's adorable. If she didn't like it she's off her rocker. $20 was WAY too little for that cake. No more free cakes you deserve to get paid for the work you do.

tiersfromheaven Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
tiersfromheaven Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:30pm
post #9 of 39

The cake is lovely! And way more than anyone can get at the grocery. You should not give your work away as people will only want free cake. That is probably what she expected. She probably only asked how to make it look as though she at least made the effort. She certainly didn't deserve such a lovely cake! Don't let her get you down!

FromScratch Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
FromScratch Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:31pm
post #10 of 39

Your cake is perfect.. I can't see why she wouldn't have been thrilled with it.. if that's an 8" round I would have charged $60 for it without the modeling.. good luck figureing it out. You may never know, and you'll have to learn to be okay with that. It's hard not hearing how people feel about something you poured your soul into.. but somepeople aren't going to give you the feed back you need.

Leashlar Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Leashlar Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:35pm
post #11 of 39

Maybe she was just having a bad day, the cake looks Cutee

mmo88 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mmo88 Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:45pm
post #12 of 39

There is nothing wrong with your cake, the problem is that, when she asked you how much, she expected you to say it was free. Since you made those other cakes for free she thught that her was also going to be free.

SeptBabyMom Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SeptBabyMom Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:47pm
post #13 of 39
Originally Posted by jkalman

Your cake is perfect.. I can't see why she wouldn't have been thrilled with it.. if that's an 8" round I would have charged $60 for it without the modeling.. good luck figureing it out. You may never know, and you'll have to learn to be okay with that. It's hard not hearing how people feel about something you poured your soul into.. but somepeople aren't going to give you the feed back you need.

Yes jkalman, perhaps that's just it. I put so much time and effort into trying to make a cake that that little girl (and her Mom) would just love. Perhaps they did, but is just not doing a good job of expressing it to me.

darandon Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
darandon Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:51pm
post #14 of 39

Maybe she's just worn out from the party and has a ton of work to do. I would have been thrilled for that cake for my daughter. I havent' tried fondant people yet.

Stefy Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Stefy Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:53pm
post #15 of 39

Because you guys didn't discuss price prior maybe she assumed she wasn't going to be charged (even though it is worth more than $20) and when you put a price to it she might have been miffed - I think I would have been. You can't expect people to correctly pay you what the cake is worth - many, many people (including myself before I got into cakes) have no clue what goes into a cake - as well as they shouldn't - that's why they hire cake decorators!!

SeptBabyMom Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SeptBabyMom Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 4:56pm
post #16 of 39
Originally Posted by jkalman

Your cake is perfect.. I can't see why she wouldn't have been thrilled with it.. if that's an 8" round I would have charged $60 for it without the modeling.. good luck figureing it out. You may never know, and you'll have to learn to be okay with that. It's hard not hearing how people feel about something you poured your soul into.. but somepeople aren't going to give you the feed back you need.

It's a 10 inch cake actually... and I was thinking too that if I use this cake as a sample picture to show people I would say $60 for this one layered 10 inch cake with figures or decor, etc. Or should I charge more for the figures and the decor?

SeptBabyMom Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SeptBabyMom Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 5:02pm
post #17 of 39
Originally Posted by Stefy

Because you guys didn't discuss price prior maybe she assumed she wasn't going to be charged (even though it is worth more than $20) and when you put a price to it she might have been miffed - I think I would have been. You can't expect people to correctly pay you what the cake is worth - many, many people (including myself before I got into cakes) have no clue what goes into a cake - as well as they shouldn't - that's why they hire cake decorators!!

Yes, you're probably quite right. I should have discussed the price with her up front and I will in the future. I'm not accustomed to doing it, I'm so new at this and you know how it is, you HATE to take money from people you know. I should have asked her what she wanted her cake budget to be and tell her I'd work around it.

Also on the flip side, we didn't discuss the price at all... and I'm not sure why she'd just assume (if she did) that she'd get it for nothing unless I said I'd do it for nothing.

Lessons learned..... icon_smile.gif

FromScratch Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
FromScratch Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 6:16pm
post #18 of 39

A 10" fondant cake at 60$ is fair.. a little low in my eyes.. It'd be 90$ in my book (30 servings @3$ a serving)and definitely charge more for the figure work.. that takes time and talent. I would have charged 30-50$ for the figure work.. So she got a STEAL of a deal if you ask me. But yes.. definitely discuss price up front.. it makes things MUCH easier come pay day. You really made a terrific cake. I bet the daughter just loved it! icon_biggrin.gif

vdrsolo Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
vdrsolo Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 8:15pm
post #19 of 39

Yes, you're probably quite right. I should have discussed the price with her up front and I will in the future. I'm not accustomed to doing it, I'm so new at this and you know how it is, you HATE to take money from people you know. I should have asked her what she wanted her cake budget to be and tell her I'd work around it.

I used to feel the same way, BUT do you really think they hate how you have to set aside your own time and own kitchen to make THEIR cake? How you will spend hours just to bake, decorate, and clean up? Do you think they just absolutely hate it? If they do, they will pay. If they don't, they are not worth it.

Also, don't ask what her budget is. She will lowball you big time. Let her tell you what she wants, and number of servings, etc. Give her your price. If she needs something cheaper, you can start subtracting extra work, make a smaller cake, etc.. Also, don't over explain your price. Just give it to them, if they need a breakdown, have it ready (X amount for fondant figure, etc).[/quote]

FromScratch Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
FromScratch Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 10:27pm
post #20 of 39

I agree.. don't ask them what they want to spend.. tell them what it will cost them to get what they want. if they think it's too high you can work with them to find a happy medium, but you dictate the price.. thumbs_up.gif

peeps311 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
peeps311 Posted 9 Jul 2007 , 10:55pm
post #21 of 39

I feel the same as you....I recently made a friend of a friend's daughter a birthday cake for the 4th of July (in my photos). I designed the cake and she loved the design. It had cookies, gumpaste, fondant etc. And, I drove 40 min. to deliver it. I charged her cost, which means after my drive, I lost money. BUt, like you it was the first time someone paid for a cake. They seemed to love it when I set it up. I was hoping to get an e-mail or to hear something back, but nothing. I have been confused and worried . My friend hasn't heard anything either. Like you, it was a let down because my friends and family have had nothing but lots of praise for my cakes.
I don't know what to say to you except that I totally understand. I'm just going to let my cake go. if it still upsets you, I would definitely ask her something. Or, just remain confident, and move on to the next cake. I think your cake was great and looks like your on your way to having many more customers in your future!

SeptBabyMom Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SeptBabyMom Posted 10 Jul 2007 , 12:25am
post #22 of 39
Originally Posted by peeps311

I feel the same as you....I recently made a friend of a friend's daughter a birthday cake for the 4th of July (in my photos). I designed the cake and she loved the design. It had cookies, gumpaste, fondant etc. And, I drove 40 min. to deliver it. I charged her cost, which means after my drive, I lost money. BUt, like you it was the first time someone paid for a cake. They seemed to love it when I set it up. I was hoping to get an e-mail or to hear something back, but nothing. I have been confused and worried . My friend hasn't heard anything either. Like you, it was a let down because my friends and family have had nothing but lots of praise for my cakes.
I don't know what to say to you except that I totally understand. I'm just going to let my cake go. if it still upsets you, I would definitely ask her something. Or, just remain confident, and move on to the next cake. I think your cake was great and looks like your on your way to having many more customers in your future!

Thanks. I really figured I wasn't the first or only person to feel this way. I guess it's a little awkward when you're starting out, about the costing of cakes I mean. I'm sorry you were disappointed. That's all I was too, not really upset. If I knew for sure that she was acting cold towards me today because I actually charged, I think I WOULD be upset. What else did she expect? I plan to just remain confident and move on towards the next cake (which also happens to be for another coworker - ha ha). Another awkward situation because how do I charge her more? I won't, I'll just charge the same. But I will set the standard for the future and tell them the cost up front. I think it would be easier to deal with strangers! Ha ha.

Thanks for sharing your experience with me. Your July 4th cake was beautiful btw.

peeps311 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
peeps311 Posted 10 Jul 2007 , 12:37am
post #23 of 39

Thanks and good luck with this next cake....keep us posted thumbs_up.gif

better_than_your_mamas Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
better_than_your_mamas Posted 10 Jul 2007 , 3:36pm
post #24 of 39

What a darling cake!!!

Sad to say in this world there are many very unappreciative people and take
others for granted.

I would just move on and remember the character of this particular person.

music77 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
music77 Posted 10 Jul 2007 , 4:08pm
post #25 of 39

I know how you feel, I have had this same thing happen. Someone pointed out that most people won't "goosh" about something they paid for, that's what they expect! I guess its a matter of no news is good news. Being in the retail business its true...mosdt people only have comments when something goes WRONG. You made an absolutely wonderful cake and I am sure that you will receive many more orders in the future...probably this lady will be one of your best customers!

breelaura Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
breelaura Posted 10 Jul 2007 , 4:37pm
post #26 of 39

For future reference, it might help folks to appreciate you if you give them an invoice for what the cake is actually worth (and ask cc if you're not sure!), and then reflect a discount. That way your customers understand when they're getting a serious steal of a deal, and will have a better concept of what they're getting practically for free. Folks aren't mean about cake prices, they're just ignorant. Educate them! They'll either love you for it or go away and leave you alone - a winner either way. icon_biggrin.gif

springlakecake Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
springlakecake Posted 10 Jul 2007 , 8:57pm
post #27 of 39

You definitely undercharged, but that isnt really the problem. I think you really need to agree on a price before you begin. It only comes back to bite you later!

maria892 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
maria892 Posted 10 Jul 2007 , 9:17pm
post #28 of 39

I think it's only fair she at least pays for some portion of materials used. Your co-workers daughter probably told her mum that the cake was far better than anything she could make and that's why she got her nose out of joint!!!! Your cake is great BTW.

girltrapped Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
girltrapped Posted 10 Jul 2007 , 9:30pm
post #29 of 39

Girl! I wish I had your talent. That cake is drop dead gorgeous!!!

girltrapped Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
girltrapped Posted 10 Jul 2007 , 9:30pm
post #30 of 39

Girl! I wish I had your talent. That cake is drop dead gorgeous!!!

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