Anyone Know Where I Can Get Marzipan Roses

Decorating By confectionaryperfection Updated 4 Jul 2007 , 9:37pm by Marci

confectionaryperfection Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
confectionaryperfection Posted 4 Jul 2007 , 6:10pm
post #1 of 4

besides albert ulster. i need marzipan roses.

3 replies
2sdae Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
2sdae Posted 4 Jul 2007 , 6:13pm
post #2 of 4


MillyCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
MillyCakes Posted 4 Jul 2007 , 6:27pm
post #3 of 4
Marci Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Marci Posted 4 Jul 2007 , 9:37pm
post #4 of 4

You could order from Swiss Chalet. Very similar to Albert Uster in that it is mail order imported goods.

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