
Comments (29)


Oh that is a neat story. I love reverse scrolls and yours are just lovely. How'd you do your daisies? The ends of mine are always too pointy.


Critique group submember: Nice design, smooth icing. Your piping is really nice. Good reverese shell all evenly spaced. Don't like tinfoil boards....


critique subgroup member: nice color combination! Again nice job on smoothing your icing. You did a great reverse shell, the top border could have been a bit closer to the edge of the cake to eliminate the blue rim outside of border. Your daisies are very nice, but the centers could be flattened out a bit.


Critique Group Member: Very beautiful! Thanks for sharing the story. That was sweet. Wow ~ look at that smooth blue icing and beautiful borders. My critique for this one is to put your top border closer to the edge and after you pipe the dots wait a couple of minutes and then lightly touch them with your fingers to get rid of the points. Great job!!!!