Really Need Your Help! Fondant Consistency!

Decorating By tobycat

tobycat Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
tobycat Posted 10 May 2006 , 2:47pm
post #1 of 1

I know this is a lengthy explanation, but please read and help if you can. The 5-tier cake is for May 27, and I'm about to cry. icon_cry.gif

Here's the situation:

I am making the Wilton recipe from scratch, which is what the bride wants. I don't seem to have trouble getting the right consistency for the smaller cakes, but when I try to make enough to cover the 16 inch square cake, the fondant cracks or looks like elepahant skin when I try to put it on.

Here's how I'm making it:

I take each individual batch and microwave it a bit. Then I knead each like crazy. Each individual batch seems okay, though I've been experimenting with adding more powdered sugar and water. Then I combine each batch to make one huge one.I make each batch individually (I need about 6 batches) and then I have to work each batch into each other. This gets really, really hard. Then, I try my best to knead the huge batch, but it's pretty impossible. I also make the batches at least a day in advance.

Here's what happens:

The individual batches seem fine, but, when I go to roll out the big batch, it just isn't right. Then, when I go to put it on the cake, it's sooooo heavy, it just seems to tear and crack all over the place, like it's too dry. If I add more water/crisco, it just gets too heavy and droopy. icon_cry.gif

Here are my specific questions:

1. Why is it working with the smaller batches but not when I combine them?

2. For the 8 cups of powdered sugar that my recipe says to add -- do I sift it first or just measure out 8 cups and then sift?

3. I can never ever seem to get it not to be sticky no matter how much powdered sugar I add -- why not??? I tried a little cornstarch, but was this a good idea? It never seems to get fully unsticky!

Thanks for any and all help! If this doesn't work, I will be fully demoralized! icon_cry.gif

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