Alex The Lion

Alex The Lion on Cake Central

Childs Birthday. . . .angel hair pasta whiskers.

Comments (18)


This was a full sheet cake that had been cut to the shape of his face. We drew the face and made a pattern. I then placed the pattern on top of cake and used a pin to prick the design so I would get the dimensions correct. The rest is just decorating.


This cake is so adorable!!!!! My sister-in-law was one of the animators for this movie, so I'll be sure to show this to her (she'll love it!!!!)!!!! ;-D


This was a full sheet cake that had been cut to the shape of his face. We drew the face and made a pattern. I then placed the pattern on top of cake and used a pin to prick the design so I would get the dimensions correct. The rest is just decorating.


This cake is so adorable!!!!! My sister-in-law was one of the animators for this movie, so I'll be sure to show this to her (she'll love it!!!!)!!!! ;-D