Spiderman Cupcak Cake

Spiderman Cupcak Cake on Cake Central

I did this cake today and I freehanded and as usuall I put some M&Ms as extra treat

Comments (12)


Great Job! I have a question - I have been seeing all the ccc that look like they are iced as one unit or one cake - is that correct? How do you keep them from shifting when you are putting the icing on?


Hello all, Thanks for you wonderful comments is not as hard as it looks, to do a cupcake cake, first make your cupcakes try to use the same measure cup I use 1/4cup to pour the cake batter into the cupcake pan, wait until they cool, use BC on the bottom in order to glue then to your base, put them all together, than you can frost as you do a usual cake and presto, I know there is a tutorial on this cakecentral.com site about how to do this, but I dont remember where I saw it, if I find it again I will


Great Job! I have a question - I have been seeing all the ccc that look like they are iced as one unit or one cake - is that correct? How do you keep them from shifting when you are putting the icing on?


Hello all, Thanks for you wonderful comments is not as hard as it looks, to do a cupcake cake, first make your cupcakes try to use the same measure cup I use 1/4cup to pour the cake batter into the cupcake pan, wait until they cool, use BC on the bottom in order to glue then to your base, put them all together, than you can frost as you do a usual cake and presto, I know there is a tutorial on this cakecentral.com site about how to do this, but I dont remember where I saw it, if I find it again I will