5Th Birthday Jurrassic Cake

5Th Birthday Jurrassic Cake on Cake Central

This cake was a joint project with my husband for our daughter's 5th birthday. She wanted a "Jurrassic Park cake." She didn't want "cartoon dinosaurs, but like real ones." The inactive volcano is a mountain of peanut butter rice crispy treats (we like these better than marshmallow ones), toy dinosaurs are from toys r us and walmart, the big triceratop's egg is an egg that hatches when placed in water from toys r us (we carved out a section of cake and lined the hole with stick gum, we threw the gum away in case the egg was toxic), the pterradactyle eggs are malted milk eggs like you get at Easter, and the frame for the pterradactyles is a doll stand from a craft store. The cake was the equivilant of 4 9x13 cakes. My daughter loved it, so that was what was important.


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