Large Sheet Cake, Hollywood Theme

Large Sheet Cake, Hollywood Theme on Cake Central

Face is blanked out...large sheet cake, butter cream, photo frosting sheets used for designs. Gold edging is royal icing dusted.

Comments (6)


Check and see, but I don't think you had to blank the face out. I thought that too once, then I found out that faces on the cake are ok, but you can't have people's faces anywhere else in the picture. The cake, by the way is great. She is an aspiring movie star?


haha I saw the warning about no faces and I got paranoid! The party was Hollywood Red Carpet...this seemed to fit the theme ok! Glad you like the cake!


Check and see, but I don't think you had to blank the face out. I thought that too once, then I found out that faces on the cake are ok, but you can't have people's faces anywhere else in the picture. The cake, by the way is great. She is an aspiring movie star?


haha I saw the warning about no faces and I got paranoid! The party was Hollywood Red Carpet...this seemed to fit the theme ok! Glad you like the cake!