Royal Daisies

Royal Daisies on Cake Central

3 tiered buttercream with fondant daisies. The brides colour was royal blue so used foil to match on cake boards.

Comments (28)


Very pretty. do you find that all the icing from the lower layer sticks to the board of the upper layer? Maybe I'm doing something wrong.


This was put together on site so I didn't need a dowel rod. I put it together on a trolley and the catering staff were able to move it out to the cake table and just place it.


Thank you for your comments. I find the foil covered cake boards between layers is easier than ribbon when using buttercream icing and also easier to take the cake apart for cutting.


This was put together on site so I didn't need a dowel rod. I put it together on a trolley and the catering staff were able to move it out to the cake table and just place it.


Thank you for your comments. I find the foil covered cake boards between layers is easier than ribbon when using buttercream icing and also easier to take the cake apart for cutting.


Very pretty. do you find that all the icing from the lower layer sticks to the board of the upper layer? Maybe I'm doing something wrong.