Tiffany And Company

Tiffany And Company on Cake Central

This is a dummy cake for a show we will be in this weekend. I used the Wilton fondant, and it always looks bad on styrofoam. (I can see every last wave and dimple!) Good thing I won't put it on a regular cake. Anyway, we created a stencil for the lettering and I painted it on the tag.

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Comments (24)


It turned out awesome! Hmmm...I wondered about my dummy cakes not being as smooth as my cakes usually it is the wilton fondant? Also do you have any tips on keeping the dummy fresh looking? Mine looked so crappy after a week


Kay Day, I have no solutions to the problem; I'm still learning myself. I just don't like wilton fondant very much, but it is the only accessible stuff. I don't like putting homemade fondant on the styrofoam cakes because there are no preservatives in it to harden it like the wilton (the exact opposite reason I don't use Wilton for real cakes). Usually the dummies don't change for me; the only problem I have is fading when I use strong color.


Hi! I was admiring your beautiful cake here, and was wondering if you could help me out! I have to make a Tiffany's cake for a friend this weekend and of course I agreed to it knowing I didn't have a clue as to how to make the box lid! If you could offer some pointers they would be greatly appreciated! I looked through your other cakes, how magnificent! Thanks so much, Amy Stella


It turned out awesome! Hmmm...I wondered about my dummy cakes not being as smooth as my cakes usually it is the wilton fondant? Also do you have any tips on keeping the dummy fresh looking? Mine looked so crappy after a week


Kay Day, I have no solutions to the problem; I'm still learning myself. I just don't like wilton fondant very much, but it is the only accessible stuff. I don't like putting homemade fondant on the styrofoam cakes because there are no preservatives in it to harden it like the wilton (the exact opposite reason I don't use Wilton for real cakes). Usually the dummies don't change for me; the only problem I have is fading when I use strong color.


Hi! I was admiring your beautiful cake here, and was wondering if you could help me out! I have to make a Tiffany's cake for a friend this weekend and of course I agreed to it knowing I didn't have a clue as to how to make the box lid! If you could offer some pointers they would be greatly appreciated! I looked through your other cakes, how magnificent! Thanks so much, Amy Stella