Toy Story

Toy Story on Cake Central

This was for one of my sons, but I didn't finish the cake. All covered in fondant

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Comments (12)


to bad you couldn't have it least gotten one arm on...then he would have looked like Sid had just gotten a hold of him...You did a very good job. My boys would have loved this!


Thank you for your comments!!, and yes!, it took forever, with accidents and everything, all the "thing" is edible eccept the head which is aluminum foil covered in fondant.


to bad you couldn't have it least gotten one arm on...then he would have looked like Sid had just gotten a hold of him...You did a very good job. My boys would have loved this!


Thank you for your comments!!, and yes!, it took forever, with accidents and everything, all the "thing" is edible eccept the head which is aluminum foil covered in fondant.