How Many Tiers....?

Decorating By sweettooth622 Updated 20 Sep 2011 , 2:00am by vgray

sweettooth622 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
sweettooth622 Posted 20 Sep 2011 , 1:38am
post #1 of 4

Hi there, I have been asked to do a wedding cake for a friend at the end of next month (my FIRST ever wedding cake eeeek!)
Anyway, they are having around 150 guests and I have been staring at my cake pans trying to figure out which ones to use and how many tiers this cake should have. She wants round tiers and according to the Wilton serving chart for Wedding cakes....using the 12", 10", 8", & 6" round pans will yield 116 servings. (not enough)
My biggest round pan is the 12" round, so if I use the next closest thing that I have, which is a 15" Petal pan and then go 12" round, 10" round, & 8" round I end up with 204 servings. (Too much)
Anyone out there have any other suggestions?
Thanks in advance icon_biggrin.gif

3 replies
kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 20 Sep 2011 , 1:45am
post #2 of 4

There will be any times you cannot come up with exactly the amount of servings wanted.
You can make 'satalite' cakes (they sit right off to the sides of the cake) OR you can offer 'kitchen cakes' (sheet that are not decorated but just iced and plated in the kitchen) to make up the difference.
Also by the time they know their 'count' - how many replies they have gotten the # will change.
Talk to the bride. Are they having appitizers and a dinner ? Is it sit down or buffett? Will coctails be served? Do the guests pay or is it an open bar?
All those things effect how many people will eat dessert and you many be able to 'downsize' the cake a bit. Personally I suggest you get a 14 or 16" round and give her 16, 12, 9 (or icon_cool.gif, 6 tiers.
Another option would b e to use three or four 6"ers as the bottom tier w/the 12" placed on top of them and go up from there.

vgray Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
vgray Posted 20 Sep 2011 , 1:54am
post #3 of 4
vgray Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
vgray Posted 20 Sep 2011 , 2:00am
post #4 of 4

If you can't come up with the exact amount, be sure to remember not everyone will eat cake so a cake for 140 may be ok. However, only the bride and groom know their guests. So be sure to ask tell them "I can make a cake for X amount or X amount; which would you like". Let them decide if they think their guest are big cake eaters or not.

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