Ben 10 Always Burns And Dries....

Decorating By resarie85 Updated 26 Nov 2010 , 7:54pm by brincess_b

resarie85 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
resarie85 Posted 25 Nov 2010 , 11:41pm
post #1 of 9

Please help! My son's birthday is 12-22 and he LOVES Ben 10. Unfortunatley I can't find anywhere that sells Ben 10 cakes. I am at a loss because my oven causes EVERYTHING to come out almost burnt and bone dry. This is not just cakes mind you. Not to mention that in a regular 13x9 glass dish, a cake will come out with one corner like a cookie. What do I do? First of all can someone give me some ideas on how to bake evenly in my crappy apartment oven and secondly, does anyone have any Ben 10 decorating ideas? Thanks in advance!!!! icon_biggrin.gif

8 replies
tokazodo Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
tokazodo Posted 26 Nov 2010 , 12:02am
post #2 of 9

Your oven might need to be calibrated or you might need to replace the thermostat. Repair?
In order to cook cakes more evenly I have found a trick here on cc. Spray a rose nail with veg. spray, place it upside down in the cake pan and pour cake batter over it.
If neither of these options will work for you, why not consider purchasing a plain sheet cake and finish the decorations yourself, or having a neighbor bake the cake for you.

A quick search on google images for Ben 10 came up with many images. I also found this page full of Ben 10 cakes.
Hope this helps

korensmommy Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
korensmommy Posted 26 Nov 2010 , 12:42am
post #3 of 9

I agree with tokazodo about your oven. Also, most people here on CC bake 10-25 degrees lower than what most recipes call for. I bake my cakes for 40 minutes at 335 degrees.

Here are 2 Ben 10 cakes I've made; one for my son and one for his best friend. Please PM me if you need any help.

Good luck!

mommynana Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mommynana Posted 26 Nov 2010 , 12:45am
post #4 of 9

i agree could be the thermostat the prob i got is that i could bake tow or three cakes and when i put them in the fridge to cool off after i take them out and try to lever them one is allways a little gooey on top not all of them anyone no why?? when the cake is cut its cooked inside

NellaBella4 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
NellaBella4 Posted 26 Nov 2010 , 12:46am
post #5 of 9

I've burned a cake before and had no time to bake another. I bought a plain sheet cake (walmart or local grocery store), cut it to where I needed it and decorated it myself. if that helps. It sounds like cheating but hey you decorated it!

noahsmummy Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
noahsmummy Posted 26 Nov 2010 , 1:10am
post #6 of 9

i rotate my cakes during cooking as my oven always burns one side as well. usually once half way through will do teh trick. depends how bad your oven burns but..

PrivateNameHere Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
PrivateNameHere Posted 26 Nov 2010 , 1:01pm
post #7 of 9

Look on Craigslist if you think you cannot do it and you feel you need it. There are a lot of home bakers that advertise there.
Also, if you bring Ben 10 figurines into your (for example) Food Lion or Safeway, they will stick them on there for you. I think they charge you 5 bucks to stick your purchased figurines on the top of the cake.

cakedout Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
cakedout Posted 26 Nov 2010 , 7:44pm
post #8 of 9

Another trick is to invest in the cake wraps-either Wilton or Bakery Craft. They work wonders to help the batter bake more evenly!!

I've also discovered that putting one of those Pampered Chef baking stones in my oven (on the rack below my cake pan) helped to even out the temperature and bake more evenly! Between the wraps and the stone, my cakes came out amazing! Sure, the bake time was longer, but it was worth it.

brincess_b Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
brincess_b Posted 26 Nov 2010 , 7:54pm
post #9 of 9

resarie85 - sounds like your oven has a serious slant aswell, have you put a level on it? put ur cake tin on a baking sheet, with tinfoil to create a wedge so it will sit more even.

mommynana - is it warm cake your putting in the oven? proably whats causing your problem. also, it will be affecting the rest of the food in the fridge as putting in warm cake will raise them temperature.

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