Wasc Cake- Strawberry Version- Need Help

Decorating By anku Updated 20 May 2008 , 11:15pm by Rainbow

anku Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
anku Posted 19 May 2008 , 9:57pm
post #1 of 7

I'm make the strawberry version of WASC. My question is do I add extra strawberry juice in place of liquid mentioned....or 1 cup of thawed strawberries will have the juice required!
Little confused. Please help!

Thanks in advance.

6 replies
kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 19 May 2008 , 10:37pm
post #2 of 7

I would use the thawed berries w/juice. If you use abut 1 1/3 to 1 1/2 cup total that should do it.

tracey1970 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
tracey1970 Posted 20 May 2008 , 1:12am
post #3 of 7

Can I ask what is the strawberry version of WASC? I have made the regular WASC but have never seen the strawberry one. Thanks!

JanH Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
JanH Posted 20 May 2008 , 3:52am
post #4 of 7

Expanded flavors version WASC cake recipe:


I've tried using strawberry gelatin and thought it made the cake too sweet but not strawberry enough... Preferred using strawberry extract to increase the intensity of the strawberry flavor.


Loucinda Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Loucinda Posted 20 May 2008 , 12:14pm
post #5 of 7

I am going to try using a "strawbery puree" as the liquid today to see how it does - I've tried the jello method and wasn't happy with it - I am hoping this works out.

tracey1970 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
tracey1970 Posted 20 May 2008 , 7:54pm
post #6 of 7

Thanks, JanH! Loucinda, please let us know how that turns out.

Rainbow Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Rainbow Posted 20 May 2008 , 11:15pm
post #7 of 7

I have made the recipe Jan H. suggested. It was very yummy. I made it exactly as written.

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