Cake Decorator nandlbushy


nandlbushy's Cake Photos view more

  • All About Candy - 10Th Birthday Tiered cake with multi-colored striped fondant - decorated with lots of different candy. The lollipops on the side were made out of fondant...
  • Lindsey's Christmas Wedding Cake This was a 3-tiered cake over a fountain with several satallite cakes surrounding it. The lit trees behind made a great backdrop for this...
  • Monochromatic Roses This was a simple cake with the added elegance of monochromatic roses to surround each layer of the cake
  • Ladybug Mother's Day Made this for our church's Mother's Day Luncheon. 4 different square layers of different flavors in an off center fashion with...
  • Auburn Tigers Lady Made this for an Auburn Tigers fan, but wanted to make it girlie!
  • A Pirate's Life For Me Was given a picture of this cake - I don't remember where it came from and I duplicated it as best I could. Lots of details on it from...
  • Thomas The Train Found a great train 3-D cake pan and then decorated it like Thomas the Train. Included doubled up mini loafs to make the train cars which I...
  • Libby's Beach My daughter wanted a beach theme, so we used a variety of candy/cookies to create this beach scene. We had pretzel beach chairs, roll-up...

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