Cake Decorator zanadoo22


zanadoo22's Cake Photos view more

  • Hula Girl On Luau Island My friend planned a luau themed party for her 2 year old daughter, and since they have a ton of friends and family, they needed a ton of...
  • It's A Clue - Blue's Clues! Here's the Blue's Clues cake I made for my nephew who turned 4. This was my second time working with fondant, and my first 3-D...
  • G-Force This is a cake starring my niece's favorite character from the movie G-Force - the girl guinea pig, named Juarez. It was hand-drawn...
  • Wall-E Cake Here's a cake I made for my niece of her favorite movie character, Wall-e. He was hand-drawn onto the cake, using her electronic Wall-...
  • My Sister Celebrated Her Treintanera Basically A Quinceanera X 2 She Turned 30 Since She Was Celebrating Her Birthday Complete With The My sister celebrated her Treintañera - basically a Quinceanera x 2 (she turned 30)! Since she was celebrating her birthday...

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