Cake Balls

Baking By Sugarbean Updated 28 Oct 2006 , 10:38pm by Sugarbean

Sugarbean Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Sugarbean Posted 28 Oct 2006 , 3:29am
post #1 of 3

Anyone want to share their recipe? icon_lol.gif

2 replies
justsweet Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
justsweet Posted 28 Oct 2006 , 3:40am
post #2 of 3

here you go:

Cake Truffles

You take your left over cake (any kind- even spice cake- I've even mixed complimentary flavors) and crumble it up into a bowl. Add enough buttercream (flavored or plain) (not much) until you can form balls. That's it. Now there are 40 million variations:

add nuts, raisin, coconut, etc

dip in ganache or candy melts (and then you can still roll in nuts, raisin, coconut, etc)- (refrigerate balls before dipping)

add liqueurs before adding the buttercream (you won't need as much BC)

As you can see you are only limited by your imagination.

Someone on another board dipped them in orange candy melts and painted pumpkin faces on them at Halloween


This is TOO easy! Save up, in the freezer, your cake trimmings. When you're ready to make truffles, thaw the trimmings, crumble them in a bowl & add enough buttercream frosting to hold them together. Drizzle this mixture with almond extract & mix well. Form into 1" or smaller balls & let set for a few minutes. Coat cake truffles with; melted chocolate or Candy Melts.

Your finished candies can be dry dusted with pearl or luster dusts, for added glamour....Super Pearl dust looks great on white coated truffles, Antique Silk luster dust looks gold on Chocolate.
Keep in mind that the cake flavor will affect the finished flavor! Chocolate, white, yellow, & marble cake can all be combined, but if you have lemon cake trimmings, the lemon will be noticeable. Experiment with different cake flavors & extracts! Let me know if you come up with a yummy combination- I'll add it to this page, with your name.
This is going to impress your family & friends, I guarantee it!

Tracy's Note: Fall 2004 I've been playing with flavors myself, and here's what I've done....

Snickerdoodle cake, mixed with a bit of cinnamon buttercream, coated with white almond bark plus a few discs of cocoa candy melts & cinnamon (the spice).

Pumpkin cake, mixed with a bit of cream cheese icing, and coated with orange Candy Melts flavored with cheesecake oil flavoring added.

Maple cake, mixed with my buttercream, and coated with a mixture of white & cocoa candy melts (like 70/30 white to cocoa), with maple oil flavoring added.

Dark Chocolate Cake, mixed with some cream cheese buttercream & hazelnut flavoring, coated with dark cocoa Candy Melts.

Carrot cake, mixed with cream cheese icing, and coated with a mixture of orange & white Candy Melts (about 30/70 orange to white) with cheesecake oil flavoring added.

Milk Chocolate cake; mixed with a bit of my buttercream and almond extract, and coated with light cocoa Candy Melts.

French vanilla cake, mixed with my buttercream & almond extract, and coated with white almond bark.

Clary coats lemon cake trimming with white chocolate, and says "It is double yummy!"

Dawn says, "Guess what else you can add? Kahlua- Bailey's (When you use liqueur, you need very little buttercream)- nuts- raisins- whatever your heart desires. I cover mine in ganache. But you can also use the candy melts. A friend did some at Halloween in orange and piped little faces on them. We call them cake bites. A lot of people call them cake balls, but I just can't say that out loud.

Sugarbean Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Sugarbean Posted 28 Oct 2006 , 10:38pm
post #3 of 3

Thanks!! I made them once, and I *think* I used too much BC. They were awful. Maybe I shall try them again! icon_smile.gif

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