Amelia's Cake

"Amelia" - Dark Chocolate Mudcake, with Vanilla Buttercream. I'm so very honoured to be a Cake Angel. If you haven't heard of the Cake Angels, they are a not for profit organisation that co ordinates volunteer decorators, to provide Cakes, Cupcakes or cookies for seriously ill children and their siblings. Its a cause that I feel quite personally, not only having children with special needs myself, but also meeting so many families of seriously ill children in our travels with special needs groups. It might seem like a simple thing, but a cake can change someone's day, and there's no better feeling than putting even a tiny ray of sunshine in an otherwise gloomy day. Happy Birthday Amelia ❤️ Hand painted lettering, using Edible Art Paints by Sweet Sticks. Hand made Minnie Mouse Inspired details, using modelling chocolate/fondant mix.


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