Filigree Christmas Tree

Filigree Christmas Tree on Cake Central

Traditional rich fruit cake soaked in brandy and covered with marzipan and then fondant. Christmas tree piped in royal icing.

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Yetunde66 - I don't have a tutorial but I can describe how I did the tree. First I created a template of half a Christmas tree, the size and shape I wanted, which I then drew around to create 6 identical half Christmas trees over 2 pieces of paper. I then stuck the 2 pieces of paper to a chopping board and covered them in cling film/saran wrap which I taped to the back of the board as it's important that it stay very smooth and still. I then piped over my Christmas trees on to the cling film with royal icing. I just had the outline of the trees as template and piped the scrolls that fill each half tree freehand but you could make your template as detailed as you wanted. Then I left them to dry and harden for 48 hours. Once dry I carefully lifted them off the cling film and, using more royal icing as 'glue', assembled them as a tree on the cake. It is a little tricky and I did use some rolled up balls of cling film, you could use foam or kitchen paper, to support the lowest branches of the tree whilst it dried. Then small coloured dragees were attached to the ends of each 'branch' with a little royal icing. I used a cutter for the 'presents' and painted them with metallic food paint, piping on the strings and bows. The whole cake has also been sprayed lightly with a silver lustre which if used sparingly just gives it a sparkly sheen rather than turning it silver!

I hope that helps - and makes sense!!