Bulldog Cake

coconut cake with fresh strawberry buttercream. the cake was easy enough. you need of masonite, or thin MPF to support the body. I outlined the shape of a dog from a bird's eye view (almost like an "8" shape. I used 4 - 4" pvc for the legs and attached them to the body shape with 1/2" floor flanges and small screws (you can get at home depot). the legs are RkT and modeling chocolate. The cake sits on the masonite. I baked a 9x12 4", cut and torted. to build out the legs, i used a little cake paste (leftover cake and buttercream) and softened the edges. The head was RKT. I used modeling chocolate to obtain features, rolling peices to place around the nose to look like folds. I covered the body first with fondant, then the head separately. For the head I used virgin white and used petal dust to get the dark gray patches and tan patches. The body was also airbrushed in the creases a few shades darker to give dimension. I glazed the eyes, teeth, tongue with corn syrup and vodka mixture as well as his nails. fun project.


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