Working With Coloring Gels

Decorating By MsDOTS Updated 12 Apr 2011 , 5:00pm by m0use

MsDOTS Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
MsDOTS Posted 12 Apr 2011 , 4:49pm
post #1 of 2

Hello, everyone! I've been decorating cakes for a little over a year now and I've really appreciated having this forum and website as a resource. I have some questions about using gel colors and hope you all can enlighten me.

1. In my Wilton course 1, I was taught how to mix the Wilton color gels into icing, fondant, etc. by using the end of a toothpick. Every time I try balancing tiny globs of gel on the end of a pointy little stick, it just drives me nuts. Who thought this was a good idea? It just seems like a tube or squirt bottle would be so much easier. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this better? Please tell me there's a better way! icon_cry.gif

2. When I am trying to make a specific color, I generally use what my husband calls the "TLAR method" (as in, That Looks About Right). Is there any way to be more precise, like when I'm trying to recreate a certain color?

3. Some of my older gels have started to dry up and are a bit goopy to work with. Can I mix anything into them to make them more fluid again?

Thanks very much!


1 reply
m0use Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
m0use Posted 12 Apr 2011 , 5:00pm
post #2 of 2

Americolor Colors are in a squeeze/squirt bottle and are awesome!

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