Mmf Is Drooping Down!!! Help!!

Decorating By Nobuko Updated 18 Mar 2010 , 8:48am by Cake4ever

Nobuko Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Nobuko Posted 18 Mar 2010 , 6:17am
post #1 of 2

Hi Everyone,

I'd seriously appreciate if someone would give me some advice. Being oversears at a military base, I have such a limited access when it comes to cake decorating.... So, I've been teaching myself how to decorate with MMF. I put MMF on a 2 tier cake. Kept the cake in the refrig over night. The next day, I kept the cake out of refrig and worked on putting MMF flowers on it. As time passed, I noticed that MMF was drooping. Or I should say that the bottom cake started feeling the top cake's weight by then....??? The MMF on the bottom cake started looking like the shape of barrell (hope you understand what I'm trying to say here). Is that because I didn't have any cake separator between these tiers? Do pros usually have a cake board for each tier before they stack cakes up?? Should I keep cake refrigerated once it's covered with MMF??? Please help!!!

1 reply
Cake4ever Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Cake4ever Posted 18 Mar 2010 , 8:48am
post #2 of 2
Originally Posted by Nobuko

Hi Everyone,

I'd seriously appreciate if someone would give me some advice. Being oversears at a military base, I have such a limited access when it comes to cake decorating.... So, I've been teaching myself how to decorate with MMF. I put MMF on a 2 tier cake. Kept the cake in the refrig over night. The next day, I kept the cake out of refrig and worked on putting MMF flowers on it. As time passed, I noticed that MMF was drooping. Or I should say that the bottom cake started feeling the top cake's weight by then....??? The MMF on the bottom cake started looking like the shape of barrell (hope you understand what I'm trying to say here). Is that because I didn't have any cake separator between these tiers? Do pros usually have a cake board for each tier before they stack cakes up?? Should I keep cake refrigerated once it's covered with MMF??? Please help!!!

Hi there, I'm a military spouse too and that is how I first learned before I took the 3 Wilton courses offered on base.

Yes, it sounds as if your top tier was too heavy and pressed down on the bottom tier and made it buldge. Yes, use a cake board equal to the size of your top tier and trim the board if necessary. It could also be that you had too much buttercream under your MMF. Since my cakes usually don't travel far, I have found that Toba Garrett's stacking method works perfectly for me. She uses lollipop sticks (wilton) and inserts them in according to how many inches the top tier is. For example, 6 inch top, use 6 lollipop sticks. I then use a long skewer down the middle, tapping from the top with a rubber mallet down until it hits the base, then trim with dykes.

If you need help, just PM me and I'd be glad to help you along. I know how it is! usaribbon.gifthumbs_up.gif

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