Pastry School Or Work Experience?

Decorating By mkolmar Updated 12 May 2009 , 1:49am by mkolmar

mkolmar Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mkolmar Posted 9 May 2009 , 10:59pm
post #1 of 3

I graduated last year with a culinary skills and management AA degree. I didn't really get much pastry with this degree, and would like to focus more on this part of the culinary field. I've taken side classes and have been working through pastry books practicing recipes and trying to make sure I have proper plating, color, height and flavor dimension. I've learned how to do a lot on my own but I realize I do need more.
I would like to work under someone to learn more but unfortunately there is no one in the area who is willing to do so at this time.

I'm trying to decide right now if going to pastry school would be a good idea or continuing to learn on my own while waiting to find someone to train under.
My goal in life is to become an instructor of culinary/pastry arts. I don't know any pastry people in my area to get a real answer from.

I guess my question is: Is pastry school really going to make a big difference or would work experience be better?

2 replies
blondeez Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
blondeez Posted 9 May 2009 , 11:07pm
post #2 of 3

Sorry I can't asnswer your question. I would like to know this also. I have work experience with decorating but not in baking other than home. I have recently thought abt opening my own bakery. I was looking into becoming a pastry chef before I decide to.

mkolmar Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mkolmar Posted 12 May 2009 , 1:49am
post #3 of 3

I would think that if you know how to do some pastries then schooling wouldn't be necessary for opening up a bakery. Most bakeries make only make certain items so stick with the ones you are good at and save the $.
If I was going to open up a bakery I personally wouldn't bother with the schooling. (Your cakes are wonderful by the way!!!)

I'm just not sure about the schooling since I want to become an culinary educator. I'm wondering how much do you actually learn in pastry school compared to the work force?

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