Wahhhh!!! My Well Is Too Big!!! Long Post...

Decorating By fluttercakes Updated 9 Aug 2008 , 3:53am by PinkZiab

fluttercakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
fluttercakes Posted 9 Aug 2008 , 2:32am
post #1 of 2

ACK! I have had such a crummy day, and it didn't even start out bad...just got that way recently icon_rolleyes.gif. Okay, I don't know if y'all remember me asking a month or so ago about ideas for a "Promise Land' Cake for a customer. She wanted a well, a waterfall, vineyards, trees, wheat, a desert, the river Jordan, etc, etc. Well, the cake is due tomorrow, I have everything made, I love my vineyard, I have a TON of fondant/gumpaste rocks, I carved and crumb coated the cake (will do final decorations tomorrow before delivery), I made an Olive Tree with 'cotton candy' leaves (more on that later), and I made a pretty neat well (IMHO), and THE DANG THING IS TOO BIG!!!!

ARGH! I don't have time to make another one and have it dry in enough time, but the thing is so big compared to the waterfall and the river! I thought about making the waterfall bigger after I saw the well's proportions to everything, but the customer only wanted a one layer 10x15 sheet cake...it'll look so strange on that size of a cake especially with all the things involved in the cake itself! I have no idea want I was thinking when I made the well, but I had the cake pan out and used it to determine the height and such...but what was I thinking?!?!? Eek!

Anyways, my husband says it'll look just fine, and they'll probably love it...but it's driving me nutz icon_razz.gif ! I'm, of course, going to use it...but man, I wish I noticed this two days ago! Blah!

Anyhoo...this afternoon, I was making homemade cotton candy to use as 'leaves' on my olive tree since the pictures the customer showed me had a just blooming tree and making that many leaves was completely out of the question! The cotton candy came out great, but it was when I was cleaning up my mess that it happened...I second-degree BURNED TWO OF MY FINGERTIPS !!! OUCH!!! icon_mad.gif It was stupid on my part...I was trying to get the rock-hard sugar out of the bowl, so I nuked it, I then proceeded to pour the sugar into the plastic sheeting (stupid) that I had down to protect the floor...well, the sheeting started to melt, and I tried to move it closer to the trash can by sliding it on the floor, but the plastic broke making the sugar ooze onto my right index and middle fingers! I jumped around like a mad women trying to get that burning thing off, and immediately two jumbo sized blisters popped up on them...talk about PAINFUL!!! So, long story short, I couldn't very well be sitting in a doctor's office for hours when I had an important cake due, so my DH came home with burn ointment, gauze, and boo-boo tape...so I decorated (and will decorate tomorrow as well) with taped up fingers. Strange, but doable...and at least the pain has subsided quite a bit (thank you, Aleve).

So, not a good day in the world of me...two stupid things that could have been prevented if I only thought it through a bit better! Sigh...C'est la vie!

Man, my quote has never better more right on the money icon_lol.gif

Thanks for listening to my pitifulness...lol!


1 reply
PinkZiab Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
PinkZiab Posted 9 Aug 2008 , 3:53am
post #2 of 2

I feel ya sister. I'm too tired to even EXPLAIN the he!! that was my week, but the end result is I am now going to have to pull an all-nighter to re-bake a small 3-tier wedding cake. Thankfully it's going to be very simply decorated, but STILL... ugh, bit it's about part for how my week was.

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