How To Figure Out How Much Batter A Recipe Yields?

Decorating By MOBOGAL Updated 30 Jun 2008 , 5:16am by cakesbyallison

MOBOGAL Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
MOBOGAL Posted 27 Jun 2008 , 10:26pm
post #1 of 2

Hello all icon_smile.gif

I have a silly question. I want to make a lemon cake recipe from the Cake Book. It says to bake in two 9in pans, but it doesn't say how many cups of batter one recipe yields. I have been burned before by making one recipe and getting two 1in layers instead of two 2in layers. Is there any way to look at the ingredients and get a rough estimate of how much batter it will make? I'd hate to double the recipe and end up with way TOO much batter. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

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cakesbyallison Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
cakesbyallison Posted 30 Jun 2008 , 5:16am
post #2 of 2

Is it a doctored cake mix? If not, 1 mix isn't going to be enough for 2 - 9" pans. You're going to need 2, and yes, you'll have extra (bake cupcakes!)
I don't know if they still do this or not, but on the inside of the Duncan Hines cake box mixes, they do (or did) put a guide in there as to how many cups of batter you need for various cake sizes. I know I have one somewhere, but can't find it!

Try this for lemon cake, using 1 mix - follow same instructions on box, using white cake (I think lemon boxed mix, tastes artificial), add to it, 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 extra egg, 1 cup sour cream, 1 tsp lemon extract, and zest of one lemon.

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