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Laced with lime and rum. Mmm, yummy!
A bizarre request of animals on this one!
Really enjoyed this one.
I've always wanted to make one of these. I was amazed at how easy it was :)
I didn't have a clue what Skylander was - thank goodness for the internet!
My first go at cupcakes and handbags. I made 50! Took hours but great fun >:
Fun music cake for my lovely friend. Off to a karaoke party tomorrow!!
Diamond Anniversary daisies and butterflies. Very glittery!
For my lovely God son - Will. I've always wanted to do a Gruffalo cake. Thanks to Little Cherry for your imspiration :)
Completely inspired by others here on CC :)
I loved doing this cake, it was so much fun. Never done a book before, so was really pleased :) I took photos with and without the figure on, I couldn't decide which I preferred.
So much fun :)
A cake for my job share who was meeting up with all her university friends who are all 60 this year.
For my son's keyworker at nursery :)
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