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Just learned how to make them in class. I'm having a hard time getting them prefect.
This is for the second class, not the final. it was covered in Wilton's fondant. i was having a hard time making the roses, but it looks good. The redish/pink spot was from a red bow i placed there til i got home.
Also all vanilla cake w/BC filling and frosted in BC. flowers on top are store bought, need to practice making them.
Vanilla cake w/BC filling and covered in BC. It's for an event we had at work.
John's cake was supposed to look like him, from top to bottom.
For my goddaughter's baptism, it's supposed to look like her dress. All BC icing, flowers i bought at the store, they are edible.
w/glass sandal for my daughter's 2nd birthday. I had trouble making this pillow too, i thought it'd be easier.
All done w/BC for work's food contest
Cake looks the same colors inside. It was fun to do.
vanilla cake BC icing
Again I tried doing another Disney's cars - car (Ramon) for my son, had a hard time on this one too. The kids got a kick out of it at least.
Or so i say and think it is! lol. It was hard for me to make this cake. i wanted it to look really cute, but no one at home seems to like fondant. I tried doing it out of BC. some mmf decots
This was a cake to celebrate all the adult's in Oct. Vanilla cake, pinapple filling, BC icing.
Chocolate cake, chocolate mousse filling, chocolate BC w/dripping ganache. The chair is plastic, it was for my brother's 40th bday.
All chocolate cake w/Turtle on top. I used a ball cake pan to make the turtle, head, legs are mmf.
Tinkerbell is a doll. cake is vanilla w/BC icing
My try at modern mom cookies.
more of the baby shower cookies i made.
Baby Shower NFSC covered w/every type of icing available. I have bought a few wilton's cookie icing different colors, some Antonia's icing, some MMF or mmf decos.
Vanilla cake w/fresh strawberry filling w/wilton's boxed whipping cream. Covered in all BC, mmf decos.
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