
This cake had serious issues with the trunk. I tried to use cake mixed with icing, it DID have a support, but when I woke up the morning of the party (before pictures) the truck had fallen over. The party was at 11, and I didn't get up until 9:30. Not a lot of time for repairs. This is a replica of a 3 yr old "lovie". She loved it anyway. Good think it was a free one. :)

When Reindeer Go Bad
This is for a sheriff's department Christmas party. No one woud cut it, so it ended up at the sheriff's office. You can't see all the reindeer, but one is hiding with a stolen Christmas tree, one is hiding in a snowman, one is passed out, one is taking a sobriety test, one has their hands up in the air, one is cuffed on the ground, one is buried in the snow, and rudolph is drunk from eggnogg and cookies on the back of the truck. One is in santas bag. The cop has a gun pulled, ready to work.