Painted Sunflower Cookie Tutorial

A staple in fall floral arrangements, the sunflower’s cheerful blossom has the power to brighten up even the dreariest of grey days. These delicate, hand-painted sunflower cookies from Bobbie Noto (LePastryDiva) of Bobbie’s Baking Blog capture all the beauty of autumn on a clean, fondant backdrop.

Check out the videos below to learn how to make your own!



1 batch of your favorite sugar cookies, cut into desired shapes
Artist paintbrushes: #3/0, #2/0, #8 flat, #10 flat, #6 round, small scruffy
Cooled boiled water
Corn starch
Covered sugar cookies
Everclear or lemon extract
Fondant (Fondarific)
Food paste (for blossoms): Tangerine, orange (Sugarflair or Wilton ), melon (Sugarflair or Wilton), yellow, moss green (Wilton), white (Chef Rubber), brown (Sugarflair or Wilton), ivory (Wilton)
Food paste (for leaves): moss green (Wilton or Sugarflair),  melon (Wilton), white (Chef Rubber), brown (Wilton), and ivory (Wilton)
Old Gold lustre dust
Paint palette
PME tip 50
Royal icing, off-peak consistency and soft peak consistency


Preparation Instructions

1. Cover your cookies with fondant and allow the fondant to set overnight.
2. The next day, pour cooled boiled water in either a glass or brush basin, place your colours in a paint palette, and have a dropper of Everclear (or lemon extract) close by.

Helpful tip:
It is best to allow your paint to set for 30 minutes prior to piping the decorative sunflower leaf border; that way you will not accidentally smudge your paint.


Part 1: Sunflower Blossoms

Learn how hand paint sunflowers on a sugar cookie. For colors shown here, product recommendations and recipes, visit


Part 2: Leaves

Learn the delicious art of one stroke parting with edible food past on fondant and sugar cookies! Bonus learn how to pipe sunflower leaf border!