5-Minute Chocolate Mug Cake

I read this recipe in a book called 'Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings', I tried the recipe and absolutely fell in love! U cook it in the microwave *You Can Subsitute the flour to PAmela's Pancake batter if you have Gluten-Free problems* *Subsitute Milk with Almond if Dairy Issue*


Amount Ingredient Biggest Microwavable Mug you could possibly find! Mug 4 Tablespoons Bisquick ( or Pamela's Pancake Batter) 4 Tablespoons Sugar 2 Tablespoons Ghiradeli's Unsweetened Cocoa (powdered) 1 Egg 3 Tablespoons Milk ( or Almond or Soy milk) 3 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil 3 Tablespoons Chocolate chips (optional) ( YOu can use any kind of chips, nuts, same amount though.) Cap Full (or half depends on cap size...) Vanilla Extract


-Measure Out Bisquick, then put Bisquick in mug. -Measure Out Sugar, put in mug, then stir flour and Sugar together. -Measure out Cocoa, the put in mug and stir all together. -Add egg then mix all together. -Measure, add milk, then mix-AGAIN! -Measure oil, add to mug, the mix... (Sorry if your arm is getting tired..) -Add chocolate chips if you are using them. -Mix in Vanilla Extract -Microwave on High for 3 Minutes ENJOY!