Boiled or Poured Sugar Recipe

After posting my engagement ring cake, I’ve received many questions regarding the sugar recipe I used. It took me a couple of tries, and i also used the microwave instead of stove top ( and in some batches left out the cream of tartar). The recipe below is for the traditional stovetop method. I think this one is the best to follow b/c you can really make sure the sugar gets to the correct temperature before removing it from the heat. In the microwave you kinda gotta guess. Good luck to all and just keep safe when working with boiling sugar. You can get seriously hurt.


  • 32 oz (2 pounds granulated sugar)
  • 16 oz (2 Cups water)
  • 8 oz (1 Cup glucose or light corn syrup)
  • 2 Level Teaspoons Cream of Tartar