Cupcake Christmas Tree

This is my first cupcake cake and I timed myself, it took 28 minutes to put together. It is for my son's class so I was not really too worried about detail, and I also had to make another cake for his sister's class. Had it been a paid cake, I would have put in more effort...of course! I used a LOT of buttercream icing to make it look that way! Chocolate and vanilla cupcakes. Thanks for looking
Very cute girlfriend!!! I also love your tag. and what did you use for the paper? Great job!
Very cute girlfriend!!! I also love your tag. and what did you use for the paper? Great job!
How do you get it to look so even? And how does the icing not drip everywhere? I have been challenged by my in-laws :twisted: :twisted:
I would love to succeed at that challenge! If you have any tips I would be grateful!! :wink: