
Comments (10)


thanks! it is so super easy- just use a large star tip (#190) to make a base of green color for your wreath. you dont really notice the stars when youre done, they just help to fill it out. cover your stars with holly leaves (just a regular #352), berries (any small round tip), pine needles (#3) and pine cones (#16). just be sure to use three different shades of green for the leaves. it is such a quick, easy and fun holiday cake. -wreath inspired by an old issue of american cake decorating.


thanks! it is so super easy- just use a large star tip (#190) to make a base of green color for your wreath. you dont really notice the stars when youre done, they just help to fill it out. cover your stars with holly leaves (just a regular #352), berries (any small round tip), pine needles (#3) and pine cones (#16). just be sure to use three different shades of green for the leaves. it is such a quick, easy and fun holiday cake. -wreath inspired by an old issue of american cake decorating.