Sneakers & Hockey Sticks

5" round and 48 cupcakes for a 14 year old girl's birthday party at a local ice skating rink. Theme was "Sneakers and Hockey Sticks" as all the kids were going to be playing hockey but in their tennis shoes. So 2 dozen vanilla cupcakes with bc icing and black hockey sticks and 2 dozen dark chocolate fudge cupcakes with chocolate ganache icing and white hockey sticks. The birthday girl had a picture of some tennis shoes that were sparkling silver and white and wanted that on top of the cake. Due to the cost of the party as a whole (renting the rink as well), they decided on a small 5" round with just one shoe on the top. Used Silver Disco dust for the first time and BOY DID THAT THING SPARKLE!!! Unfortunately I'm terrilbe at taking pictures so they don't show the real effect of that disco dust. Thanks for looking!!!


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