This was my first time building a pvc structure...(thanks for the help, Doug) I really like how sturdy the cake was using this method!! It was for my son's 6th birthday party at Monster Mini Golf, so a zombie was fitting, plus it was just after Halloween. The body is five layers of round cakes stacked up, 11" on the bottom up to 7" w/half ball on the top for his hunchback. The arms are padded with modeling chocolate. Fingers are also modeling chocolate and the head is rice krispies.
Bravo !!! It's a masterpiece.. :)
wow, thats awesome. my 4 yo said, ewwwwww!! LOL
This is so COOL, Amazing Job, one of the best ones I have ever seen !!!!!
So incredible - the place must have gone NUTS when they saw it!!! You did an amazing job. Doug rocks doesn't he?
Very creepy and IMPRESSIVE...my whole family loves it!
wow you did an aweseom job, your son must have been happy
he is spectacular.
Owesome ;-D
My boys would love it, their all into the zombie thing.
WOW . . . this is the coolest!! 8O Your son had to be feeling on top of the world with a cake like this!! Great job!! :wink:
What an awful looking cake! (And this is the one time that's meant as a compliment LOL) Great job!
He is really creepy!! 8O You did a great job!! I'd love to do something this realistic someday!!! Great cake!!
8O :o How frickin awesome!!! Thats incredibly good! 8O :o
so impressive....great job!!!!
Whoa!! How cool is that!?!?! Excellent job capturing the character of the zombie! The face is really cool and I love the eyeballs too.
Awesome! Great Job! ;-D :USA:
Incredible! How did you manage to get his arms and head to stay up?
I really love this cake! I would love to try that one sometime. I'm sure it wouldnt be as cool as yours but even half as good would still be a great looking cake I think. 8)
This is so incredible 8O . What an artist to be able to sculpt this creepy guy!
Thanks so much everyone!! His head is spiked onto a dowel and his arms are pvc pipe with modeling chocolate and fondant over that...
8O "Freaking" awesome!!
perfectamundo! YDG - RG!!!
This is awesome! :D
8O 8O This is truly amazing. All the details are truly terrific and creepy. 8)
This is AWESOME!!
Wow that is awesome! Great job!
WOW! This is AWESOME!!!