I Love Cheesey Christmas Movies -- And This One...
Lounge By -K8memphis Updated 23 Dec 2017 , 11:12pm by -K8memphis

this one on right now on the ion channel -- is about a girl who inherits a bakery!!! yes!!!

bakerlady -- i can't remember the name -- i always fall asleep watching them too hahahahha
this one was where she inherits the bakery and she gets it running for one more christmas -- to please the person who left it to her --

bakerlady -- i can't remember the name -- i always fall asleep watching them too hahahahha
this one was where she inherits the bakery and she gets it running for one more christmas -- to please the person who left it to her --

I'll have to see if I can google it somehow. As tired as I have been lately I would probably fall asleep too, : )

i found it -- it's called "a christmas reunion"

ooh ! Thank you! I'll give it a try. it sounds interesting..I mean it does involve baking, lol

i guess it was inevitable -- i just popped for the hallmark channel -- insert: big, dreamy, fantasy, stars in the eyes, grin -- hahahahahaha

i'm starting with "a puppyy for christmas" are you kidding me??? hahahahaha

one cheesey movie is about as good as the next -- a great diversion from reality -- relaxes me and i can nap too

cool, nana, we're retired too -- well he has a couple jobs -- and he does watch them with me too!
but i watched this one called "noel" with susan sarandan and penelope cruz, robin williams -- wow it was good -- did anyone see that one yet? i mean of course you have it's been out for 14 years -- :)
but it was good

-K8memphis - I'll have to see if I can find that one. On another note: Our television cable when nuts yesterday. When the repairman had completed his work, he did all the testing from the Hallmark Channel. I'll bet they choose that one because it is the ONLY one that is guaranteed to not have anything offensive... no violence, no cussing, no sex...

yeah i bet that was why -- there's another squeaky clean channel -- pure flix i think it is? we tried out a trial once but we could never get it dialed in

i'm watching one about a snowman that comes to life as a real person

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