Ok before I rant I just have to say how good it feels to know there is a cake community where I can come to get some much needed advice. Nobody else can understand what I'm going through, but you guys.

I'm sorry for some reason it just keeps posting the first paragraph only. Is there a word limit?

The story:
First problem-I just delivered a wedding cake yesterday and the cake was a total success! Delivered on time, didn't fall over, got set up and looked amazing! But.... I left feeling like shit because I got bitched out very badly by the mother of the bride. See I had a cake tasting and consultation with the bride and groom and a grandma. Once the invoice was approved I ask for the couple to sign the contract and then to send a 50% deposit of the total. The check was sent by the grandma and I booked them. Two weeks prior (the due date for the remaining cost) I sent a kind reminder to send another check. They said they would send it out right away and a week went by...still no check. My contract states that I have the right to cancel their order if I don't get paid two weeks prior to the date. But I'm nice and realize people are busy with wedding stuff and sent another email. They said it was in the mail. Two days prior to...no check. Then I got a call from the mother of the bride who said she apilogized for the late payment and would have a check ready for me when I deliver the cake. Not ideal because people are busy and I knew I wouldn't be handing over the cake until I got paid. So I chose to finish the cake, deliver and when I got there I tracked the mother-in-law and politely said the cake is here I'm just waiting for payment now and where I should set up. She was already pretty frantic but stopped and wrote me a check without first making a comment about how ridiculously over priced the cake was. Keep in mind that she had nothing to do with the approval of the invoice I did not deal with her at the very beginning of this only the bride and groom and a grandma. So I went to set up but was told the wedding was running 40-50 minutes late. It was an outdoor wedding and very hot like 90 degrees outside and knew the cake couldn't sit out that long. So I brought it to the apartment where the bridal party was getting ready to keep it out of the heat.
Second Problem- so I set the cake up with no problems and then had to wait two hours until they were ready to cut the cake. So just so you know and I know this is so stupid that I agreed to do this but at the cake tasting it was agreed upon that I would stay and cut the cake for an extra fee. I charge $25 and then $25 for every half an hour I had to wait to cut the cake. They thought that was reasonable and agreed to it. I know now that I will never ever again agree to cut and serve cake at a wedding. My only reasoning for doing that in the first place is because I am from an area where there are a lot of venues that do not offer a cake cutting service, lots of barns and private ranches. Felt bad because the cake was so big in the middle tier with a double barrel size. Knew that they wouldn't have any idea how to cut the cake and I to help them out. Again I know I will never do that again. But despite the cake having set out for so long it didn't fall over, although very soft and still tasted amazing. I got great compliments from all of the guests. Then out of nowhere the sister of the bride comes over frantically shouting at me saying what are you doing where is the top tier? I told her that I had cut it to serve it to the guests. She said no that was specifically supposed to be saved for the bride and groom to eat on their one year anniversary. I told her that I apologize if there was any miscommunication but that I was not made aware of that. It was something that was not discussed at the cake tasting or any day prior to the event and I simply served the cake as I was asked to and again I apologize that there is any miscommunication and I asked her what she would like me to do with the rest of the cake. hat I apologise if there was any miscommunication but I was not made aware of that it was something that was not discussed at the cake tasting or any day prior to the event and I simply serve the cake as I was asked to do with the bottom tier. She told me to save the bottom tier for the bride as she had requested to eat a decorated cake on her anniversary so she asked me to use the sheet cake that was in the refrigerator to serve to the remaining guests. So I went and got the cake to serve to the guests and when I came back a guest had cut into the cake and just helped themselves. My first thought was who would do that who would help themselves to someone's wedding cake. There was nothing that could be done. it already happened so I tried to track down a family member and ask them what they would like me to do from that point on. Before I could even find someone the mother of the bride came over and just started laying into me. Honestly couldn't believe what was happening at first I was in a state of shock and didn't really know what to say she just was so mad and furious with me saying that it was my responsibility. I should not have stepped away from the cake and that I owed them a brand-new decorated top tier for their anniversary. I told them that I would be happy to remake a top tier but that would cost them. They were so unhappy with my answer. Oh and by the way I was paid by two different people first grandma who came to the cake tasting and the second amount which was late was paid by the mother of the bride who when she wrote the check to me made a comment about how expensive the cake was and how ridiculous it was that I was charging that amount. That was an agreed-upon price with the bride and groom and who ever they decide it was going to pay for their cake. If someone agrees upon a price it tells me that they're okay with paying that amount and I move forward with the order. This is my other issue! How many of you have a strict policy that you only deal with one person that you are receiving payment from? I had to deal with the mother of the bride the sister of the bride the sister-in-law at one point grandma and the bride and groom. Too many people!
Third problem: well in reality I was not responsible for the cake or at least I feel so. My contract clearly states that I am no longer responsible for the cake once it has been delivered I did stay to cut the cake but if something were to have happened to the cake it is no longer my responsibility and I had them sign a liability clause in the contract so that I will not be held responsible for any unfortunate disasters to the cake. The mother of the bride did not think that was the case. She saw it as I was staying to cut the cake so I was also staying to babysit the cake and make sure nothing was to happen to it for the 2+ hours that I was there. I was also mad that I was charging her more money on top of how much the cake was for cutting the cake which was not discussed with her because she was not initially the person that I was dealing with for payment and was not at the cake tasting to know about my policies and what was agreed upon. But I politely stayed calm and listen to her frustration and allowed her to finish what she had to say before I explained what had happened and that I was sorry and I apologize about the misfortune and that I would be happy to stay and cut the rest of the cake before I left. She proceeded to tell me what I was going to do. I was going to make them a new cake and it needed to be decorated for them and I was not to tell the bride to upset her and that I was to email her and tell her that I took the top tier with me to put in my freezer and she can come get up at her earliest convenience. I said that was not possible as I have many many other orders coming up. I honestly didn't have a chance to even collect my thoughts about what was happening and process it all and come with something to say to her to protect myself but also not have a pissed off customer. So I just shook my hand and said okay mmm hmmm I understand and that was that. She wrote me another check for $100 for staying to cut the cake and I left. Did I do the right thing? Technically I didn't agree to do anything I just stood there and listened to her talk down to me for like 40 minutes I just wanted to get out of that situation it was a nightmare! I don't know what to do about this I don't wanna have to remake a cake but I also don't want to have an unhappy customer and a possible bad review. I am a new cake designer in the area and I really value good reputation. I am just starting out. On the other hand I don't wanna be taken advantage of. It clearly states in the contract that I am not responsible for the cake once it is delivered. I did not argue back at her even though she was completely embarrassing me in front of everybody she yelled at me at the top of her lungs as loud as she could talking down at me in front of all the guests and it was a very frustrating experience and one that I will never forget but I wish I knew how to deal with this if it were to ever come up again.
Of course I never have to deal with cake cutting again because I am not going to do it that's for sure but I would like to know some tips. How do you deal with angry customers?
It's a very different situation when it is in person and you are put on the spot. Emails are easier. you have time to think about what they're saying and respond to it in a professional manner. What should I do?
Part of me made a decision earlier that I was just going to remake the cake so that I wouldn't have to deal with her anymore but the other part of me feels like it really isn't going to matter she may be one of those people that still gives me a bad review and complained about me even after the fact. I need advice from the this cake community!
So in conclusion my three problems were how do you deal with late payments and really angry customers and who pays for the cake do you deal with one person multiple people how do you keep it straight I had in emergency or day of contact person on my order form and I ended up having to talk to you like four or five people during this wedding. Thank you for all of your help.

Late payments? If your contract states that the cake must be paid for in full two weeks prior to delivery and the final payment has not been made (with maybe a one week grace period at the most), I would cancel the order.
Angry customers? I think you did the right thing by just letting her rant. Embarrassing, yes, but I imagine everyone was seeing what an ass she was as opposed to any failure or wrong doing on your part. You were standing quietly, she was screaming like an idiot. It may not set well, but agreeing to make the couple a small, decorated cake for their first anniversary is a nice gesture and one that is not very costly in supplies or time and will mean a lot to them. I say this not because of the unreasonable mother, but for your own self esteem. It will make you feel good.
Dealing with a number of people? There is no easy answer. The bride and the person paying for the cake should always be in the loop but anyone else is not really important. If approached by anyone other than the bride or the person with the paycheck, immediately check with these two key people to confirm their agreement before proceeding.
Just my opinions, hope it helps. You have nothing whatsoever about which to feel bad.

Has the bride or groom contacted you to complain? If not, ignore everyone else. You have a signed contract that states what was supposed to be received and the fact that the sister-in-law is throwing a fit because there is no top tier to save means nothing. Now if the bride, who made the order, complained that is one thing. But a person not involved with the purchase of the cake should get an "uh huh" and then ignored.
Sadly people can get a bit nuts when it comes to weddings. Letting someone rant and yell at you while you stay calm may suck, but like SandraSmiley said, it just makes them look crazy, not you. You did nothing wrong, and were in fact very helpful, calm through all the craziness.
As for the person who helped themselves to a slice. Well, if the cake was out in the reception area while being cut up and served this person probably figured it was all going to be cut up and possibly a self-serve situation. And no one thinks "oh the bottom tier is going to be saved for the couple."
I think going forward I would stick to what your contract says. If full payment has not been received by X days before the event, cancel the order. As for the number of people, get contact info for the person placing the order and that should be the only person you speak to regarding payment. For the day of, ask the bride who your go to contact person should be for any questions involving cake set-up. You shouldn't have to be a mind reader to figure out who is paying or who can answer your questions.

Thanks for your advice! The mother in law did pay me the second half and my time to cut the cake at the wedding (that was the late payment). And no, as far as I know, her and the sister didn't want me talking to the bride anymore. They didn't want me to upset her. She was not to know this even happened and I was to pretend that I took the top to keep it safe ( the remake) and call them to come get it. I don't know when I'm going to find the time!

That is bullcrap. Sorry, but the bride placed the initial order and she should be the one you talk to. The fact that she is completely in the dark to what happened is not okay. I would not have pretended anything. Would I have gone up to the bride in the middle of the wedding? No. But I would have written her an email to let her know what was going on so you could have further clarification from the person who actually placed the order. For all you know the bride may not be upset at all that a top tier wasn't saved and have a completely opposite reaction then her mother and sister-in-law had since they were not there for the initial purchase.
In my opinion, this has gotten kind of crazy and you need to speak with the bride and groom. Only then will you find out if there was a miscommunication about the saving of the top tier, etc.

It is bullcrap! But I'm going to let a couple weeks pass so I say the right thing. Besides I have so many orders right now. This is the cake I did for them by the way. I arrived feeling so good that I had created this and it didn't fall over and left feeling very down. People are so cruel. Honestly, yes I want to get paid, but I do this for the couple getting married. I love seeing their faces light up!

The cake is fabulous! You have every reason to be proud. Also, your bride and groom were thrilled and you got paid. It could be a whole lot worse than that! If you choose to offer a small anniversary cake, you could do a simple birch effect in buttercream and you have a year to make it, so not much pressure.
If you are worried about one bad review...screw it. It will neither make nor break your business and as I said earlier, anyone who witnessed the mother's performance would know that you were not at fault and that you were dealing with an hysterical person.

Well Cakebossbabe
Was a long post to read, but informative. But I'll throw in my 2 cents. Firstly your cake is gorgeous.
Everything is a learning experience, and from the sounds of things, you learned plenty!! But can all be put to good use. I have to say, I was surprised you made the cake at all. If I had not secured the final payment, I would have done my best to contact the B & G for final $$. And sorry, no $$, no cake. You certainly took a big risk that you would have received payment on delivery. Especially at a wedding. I don't ever carry my cheque book with me in my purse. And especially not as Mother of the bride..
Now as far as the top tier..I agree with Freckles0829. If B & G never mentioned at consult, then I'm assuming they didn't want it saved. If they forgot to mention it, that's not your fault. Wasn't in the contract. And as for the Mother. She was a lunatic..(sister-in-law too). Totally inappropriate behavior. And she made a big spectical of herself. Trust me, guests will remember how dreadful she acted towards you, and how calm you were. As for re-making the top tier?? Perhaps as Freckles 0829 stated, it was just Mom/sister's idea, not the B & G's. And Mom doesn't have the right to "tell ya what your gonna do" ( about this situation) I'd do as you posted. In an appropriate amount of time, email the B & G about the top tier. Be honest stating there was no mention of this at the consult. Cake was cut up, nothing you could do about it. Sorry that this upset/disappointed the Mom/sister-in-law. Obviously not how crazy stupid they acted. As as previously posted, B & G may care less. The only bride who ever wanted the top tier saved from a wedding cake I've done was my niece. Not even my daugher wanted hers!!
My oh my..but you have a colossal story to share. And in time, your going to see the humour in it. May take a couple of years..ha ha.

never ever ever allow anyone anywhere to ream you out for forty minutes at the top of her lungs like that -- i'm surprised she had the time and energy for that -- also surprised that a family member didn't come and gently pull her away -- a loud lengthy outburst like that would destroy the entire reception --
going forward figure out how to disengage from the 'conversation' -- for example say "it's not ok to talk to me like that -- i am willing to discuss this with you only if you lower your voice and calm down" or simply say "excuse me, please" and walk away -- you're not there for a tongue lashing --
the people who paid for the cake are your clients -- if they insist that you not contact the bride about something then i would certainly respect that -- saving the top tier or not is a question i routinely ask every bride -- so i'm not sure why it didn't ever come up in your consult -- how could you plan servings without knowing? of course re-make the top tier for them --
despite what your contract states it's only logical to assume you are responsible for the cake since you are being paid by the hour -- in my experience cake cutters are paid by the slice -- so that confusion is real --
you said the mother of the bride was to pay the balance but then you looked up the mother-in-law for payment when you delivered --
wedding guests always help themselves to unattended cake after it is cut --

Never, never, never accept a late wedding payment... especially by check. I get 3 weeks clearance time on checks because so many will bounce. I have started getting payments through PayPal almost exclusively now and it cuts out a lot of stress and run-around for me. People go crazy and over-spend on weddings. Any time you try to collect money at the wedding, you will have a mess on your hands. The "check holder" is usually nowhere to be found.
I think the saving of the top tier is more regional. Where I live, its expected that the top tier will be saved and I even provide an extra box for it. However, if they didn't mention it to you, I don't think you can be a mind reader.
I like to deliver the pre-paid cake and hit the road. The best feeling in the world is when the venue is in my rear-view mirror! Ha ha Getting involved in the cutting and serving is something I have no interest in for this very reason. So many people lose their minds under stress. I think I would have turned on my phone camera and started a video while she was going at me.
Try not to be too stressed about this crazy person. You did and excellent job and the problem was hers.

your cake was beautiful! sorry about the crazy lady.
did the checks clear?! I'd be worried they'd stop the checks after all that madness.
It's a bit cheeky to claim you are charging too much when that was an agreed upon price. I wonder if she was screaming at the venue, and the florist, and the wedding dress shop as well ?!!!
anyway as long as you got your money and the checks didn't bounce, just cut ties with these people. Say you'll be happy to make another top layer for your regular price. Why on earth would you have to provide a free cake when you did nothing wrong at all.
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